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Everything posted by Beastmaster1980

  1. This bitch is 8 months old, obviously untried and unspoilt
  2. I have for sale a pair of used Fox Moto-X (Blue & White) boots Size 8 in good condition. Also a used Arai Moto-X helment (Silver & Black) Size Small(56cm) in good condition with bag. Also Shift Gloves small, Oakley googles & fox 32" pants. Collection Only. Will accept £.00 No Offers. Pm for details. Thanks, Rich
  3. For Sale is a set of converted Falconry Balance Scales made by Avery. Also included is a set of Avery weights 4lb, 2lb, 1lb & 4oz, 2oz, 1oz. The plate has been removed & replaced with a piece of wipe clean plastic, the perch is covered in astro turf. These are very accurate scales. Collection only. £50.00 No Offers. PM me for more details. Thanks, Rich
  4. Dog cage made by Rosewood for sale. Measurements 105cm x 65cm. Size XL. Electro-Plated so will not rust. Plastic tray in bottom. Folds down flat with carry handle. Cost over £100. No longer required. Collection only. £40 No Offers. PM me for more info or pics. Thanks, Richard
  5. Has anybody heard of Orijen dog food & is it any good? Its been recommended by a friend but is quite pricey, is it worth the money? What do most people feed their terriers on here to keep the weight on them. Thanks, Rich
  6. Hello mate where did you get your spar am after one myself to imprint, did the breeder have anymore for sale? Cheers, Rich
  7. Nice one mate, like i say she seems fine in herself, was just a bit concerned as its the first bitch ive had & wasnt too sure, im sure they will settle down soon. Cheers, Rich
  8. Definitely not been near another dog so 100% not pregnant. Does the staffy return back to normal after phantom pregnancy? Is been 2 months since she came out of season, would have thought she'd be back to normal by now even if she had had a phantom pregnancy? Cheers, Rich
  9. My Patterdale bitch had her first season/heat cycle about 2 months ago, everything went as normal (enlarged vulva, nipples etc) but her nipples still seem a bit swollen, especially the ones closest to her back end. Is this just her going through puberty & hormones settling down or could it be something else? She seems fine in herself, weight, appetite & really active, noticed she is trying to eat grass sometimes dont know weather this means anything, has been wormed etc. Any replies would be appreciated. Thanks, Rich
  10. I would leave her to it mate, if you keep disturbing her she could end up eating the kits when they are born, you will know soon enough when they are born as you will her them squeeking away. Cheers, Rich
  11. Cheers mate, what do you reckon the chances of a vet writing me a prescription out are, are they legally obliged to give you a prescription if you request one? Thanks, Rich
  12. Does anybody know where i can buy a bottle of Delvosterone/Proligestone for administering my ferrets with the "Jill Jab" as my local rip off vet charges £12 each for a 0.5ml injection plus a £10 consultation fee when i could quite easily do it myself, not to mention it does'nt always work first time. Thanks, Rich
  13. damn that will be the problem them as hes had his nuts off does that mean hes useless then ? Jill Jab
  14. If you want to fatten him up feed him a couple of wood pigeons, i always find they get my ferrets in tip top condition. There is plenty of fat & quality meat on them, rabbit is very lean meat (no fat) with little nutritional value other than the livers etc so wont really put weight on the ferret although rabbit is good food to maintain their weight once you have put the weight on it. Cheers, Rich
  15. It might sound like a daft question mate but one worth asking, has it been vascetomised (Snipped) or castrated? If its the latter it aint going to take the jills out of season. Cheers, Rich
  16. How long does it usually take for the Jill Jab to take effect?
  17. It looked very similar to this but smaller. Cheers, Rich
  18. It looked very similar to this but smaller. Thanks, Rich
  19. Hello, i was out with my dog last week & saw a bloke with a very small stocky whippet, very dark brown/grey with a white chest which he said was a bull whippet, it was no more than 15 tts but a really nice looking dog. Just wondering what the average height is for this breed & if anyone has got any pics of theirs they can put up? Also is it staff x whippet to get this breed? Also has anyone heard of a Bury Whippet? Thanks, Rich
  20. Hello, just wondering what is the earliest some of your Patterdales have gone to ground after fox? I know most terriermen will enter between 12-18 months when the dog is mentally mature. Has anyone entered their terrier earlier & what are your experiences? Alot of people say it can ruin a dog, just wondering what your opinions are, also do you think dogs or bitches mature earlier or is it different with each dog? Thanks, Rich
  21. Haha, this thread was on the International Falconry Forum & people actually do this!! Can you believe it?
  22. Yep going to get the jill jab at the weekend, dont fancy doin a bit of ferret fiddlin haha
  23. Has anyone ever heard of a way to take a jill out of season by simulating copulation? Was reading a thread on another forum & apparently you can use a cotton bud? Cheers, Rich
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