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Everything posted by cathunter

  1. i took my pup out ferreting for his first time yesterday at 12 months old, i've had him doing other things and thought he's ready for a try at ferreting and all went well. how old is your pup?
  2. i've got a pair like those, i use em when out with the dog on cold wet night. but use some times riggers gloves when ferreting
  3. the kits are in a mod incubator (plant propgator) and the jill (doe) is starting to perk up a bit. i'll hand feed the kits over night and keep checking on the jill (doe) every half hour. thanks for the advice
  4. i've been feeding chicken mince, just worked out thats what it was as it looks like she past a small piece of bone i bought a beef mix this morning so that's not going to happen again
  5. hi all, my does had 6 kits 4 days ago and has been off her food since, she's only eaten a day's worth since she had them, i've tried lac free milk, hand raising formular to get her going, she perks up a little every now and again but then just goes back to feeding kits. heer skin on back of her neck stays where i pull it to so i'm shaw she's dehydrated but cracks it with me when i put the bottle in her mouth. any ideas?
  6. so how are the cree's working now, my spot light died last night and seen a cree torch in a shop today and this tread has been very informitive thanks
  7. have a look on the http://www.webspawner.com/users/airedaleny/index.html website hope it helps. some of the running dogs over here have airedale blood in them and are pretty good from what i've heard of them
  8. yeah i do, right before feeding and then bout half hour later. just use cotton buds as they are easy to use on them coz of the size. got two(the biggest 2) left now and one of them is going down hill quick. i don't recomend hand raising unless they are old than what these little ones where as they are so damn fidly, but if you don't try you never know
  9. just a quick up date, so far the smallest one has past but there is 4 left and they are feeding fine so far after working out the right feeding set up
  10. thanks i'll need it, yeah i'll try that when they are bigger. well they are still all alive and looking better than what they did
  11. it sounds to me like a put me down bite, do you pat/stroke your poley while holding her, that normaly helps
  12. they are 6 days old, i've fed them about every two hours so far to just keep them going over night. some of the small ones are stronger than others, meaning some take the kitten milk easier than others
  13. Has any one hand raised kits? I've got five baby's left out of the litter, they where cold and are undersize apart from one of them. so i pulled them out the nest and have started to hand feed, i just hope they make it.
  14. ive tried it several times and mine just drag it into the corner where they shit wire the bottle to the side of the cage might do the trick
  15. bump, any pics of the grown up pups now?
  16. i had the same thing happen to me yesterday with my buck, i'd been patting my dog just befor hand then he latched on a figgered it was the dog smell that made him grip
  17. i got told form my old timer mate that they can die if not taken out of season, but i've never tested it thow. he also said that if he didn't want kits he used to leave the buck in there with the doe and he'd clean them up when born. never heard of vacc hobs till i came on this site. we all have our own view
  18. my pup has got me stumped and don't know what to make of him. he's got a great temp. don't a few runs on rabbit. but last week when i was walking around with him in the moon light he had a run. caught what ever it was and then yelped then on it again. think it was a fox but not shaw. he's got one good mark on his snout, he has a fair amount of go in him and has been more switched on than ever in the field. i'm only wan;ting him on rabbit's at min. but he's allway's mouthed my hands since i got him and want's to play tug of war, i tell him no and he;ll stop, but he can be really flighty at tim
  19. Umm as for our dogs over here, we used EBT because APBT were not in OZ in the early day and as for great danes they only add size (something wrong with man hood there as the one's i've met, a jack russel would give em an a$$ woopin), years ago i had a pit cross of two different bloodlines as well as bull mastiff blood, and that was one dog that was a very good dog in the end, but so hard headed for the first 18 months of her life. and that why i think people can't or don't know how or how to read/understand and or handle APBT dogs and that makes them not like or want the blood in there dogs. y
  20. as above and would they not be bit quicker off the mark for smaller holdings, to beat quarrie to cover? just a thought
  21. are these pup's related to the three brindle dog's off your US site main pic? sorry if got wires crossed
  22. Thanks for the info wirralman, i'll have to rethink this idea, thought i'd be able to do it but i really don't like the idea of loosing a dog under ground. yes i know it's a risk with any dog that gets taken out, i just thought i smaller than average terrier would have less trouble
  23. i was planning on being able to call out the dog if needed, and only if needed. so you don't think i'd be able to get consistant bolts on rabbits?
  24. What about these mate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OfJ6qUJNyk LOL if it'll do what i am after i would, minus the pink bow
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