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Everything posted by cathunter

  1. all good mate, been offered the cross your after too, nice looking animals from picks I've seen, pups are due soon from what I've been told. They will be 50/50 blood, last bitch I seen out of this breeding was 22/23 inch nice size to weight ratio
  2. Nice dogs, what breeding is in the Black and Tan bitch if you don't mind me asking, looks handy. Beagle cross?
  3. If your wanting a dog like that in Australia. been in hunting mags with write ups on breed an origin of blood lines. there is line bred bullgrey's 25 plus years of breeding, that they use for pigs, thicker skin, heaps of drive, constant look of dog, 26 inch to 28 inch. Be bit of an outlay to get a pup but would be cheaper with better results IMO. Pm if you want phone numbers
  4. I'd go a bitch, main reason is in if they make the grade and you want to breed a replacement you can, but if you have a dog, I think it's hard to get a bitch that someone will be willing to let you put your dog over.
  5. TUFFTY Yesterday, 09:51 PM There was some gould stuff sent out just over ten years ago. Ozziedogman knows about these. A good friend has an old bitch out of the dog that was sent. Thanks TUFFTY, still waiting on his reply. this den dog that my mate has, is about 10 maybe tad more. but he's a x, so guessing Gould line came over after this one was on the ground. I'm just trying to research basically every line that came over if I can get the info of the line names. As he's done and still does great job. Just time to get couple of pups out of him to take over his role. Cheers Cathunter
  6. Thanks for the replys, will look them up and see if they will have a chat, cheers
  7. Ok, disregard my first post, can any one please tell me what other lines of pats where imported to Australia? I know nuttall blood is here, would like to know what others have been sent over. Cheers
  8. Does any body have any info on the patt bloodlines that have been imported to oz? As in what bloodlines and the style that they work, hardness, sound of mind, scrappers ect ect. Any info would be much appreciated. I know there was imports in the 90's and seen a litter that was bred here from an imported bitch an was impressed by the pups the once off that I seen them.
  9. i had an australian terrier cross and she was a good dog for what she was and how much she'd seen, natural sheep hearding ability too. always full of beans when out and had a great nose, had climbed a tree or two aswell. a real goer that is still missed. silky terriers are not an aussie
  10. not exactly. if sire of the brother/sister mating is put at a number like 12 and dam of the brother sister is say 34, the pups get about 50% genes from each perant so the could be ether 13, 14, 23, or 24 as an example of the combo so it depends on what mix the bro/sis get, domanant and recesive genes come into play aswell.
  11. nice looking pups. ilike the brindle. all the best with both cheers cathunter
  12. 1/4bull 1/4 whippet 1/2 grey mate! where abouts in vic do u live could prob sort a good weekend out for u as my brothers runing some good dogs out there mate that sounds like a realy nice mix of blood . I live 10 mins away from ballarat. yeah that really would be great, some time in the new year would be good for me as now is aways a busy time of year and i want to set up the back of the ute for getting away from it all first too. what area does your bro live and hunt in?
  13. great pics people, keep them coming, i'll put some up when i find the folder i'm looking for
  14. thanks mate. How did your pups turn out? any pics?
  15. cheers, couple more while i can be buggered resizing them
  16. great looking pups, all of them. hope they do what they where bred for. what is the breeding? as they are a very nice shape. cheers cathunter
  17. Aw women say that mate,,, it`s just tae make us feel better ! thats what my girl friend says about my truck having a lift kit, coz i need to compensate for something and i know i'm a shorty ass lol
  18. Thanks for the replys, umm he's about 27 1/2 inch, but not shaw exactly as he never stands still long enough to get a 100% measure on him
  19. an update of my pup now 12 months
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