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Everything posted by jac

  1. its a dog lead finnished item. got it for showing but it dose not hang nicely , it seems to stick out to the side
  2. anyone know how to make leather softer ?
  3. I have a fondness for the fox and dont hunt them. last year I watched two cubs grow up. i often met them on a rabbit hunt. this year there is one cub. I enjoy watching them and they know my dog wont chase them so the adults sit and watch us as we pass by. i agree a fox should be killed if it is a problem. but i dont see the need to kill them otherwise.
  4. A friend has lost his Elkhound in Scotland. here is the link to the lost page. http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog_blog.php?dogId=24940 keep your eyes open very friendy but shy dog
  5. well done for getting them off the road. wait till its dark and find a safe place near where you found them. mum will be looking for them . just make shore its away from that road
  6. jac

    Bear hunting

    what can you make the bear do ? http://www.youtube.com/user/tippexperience?ref=nf
  7. happend to me, i thought it was a dead crow, the dog went over to it and it did not move, so i go over and as i reach out it woke up and took off .
  8. not much you can do when they come out, they dont stey long. i spray repelent on the floor and hope they go the other way lol
  9. some people get on great with it but my dog hates it. i think its better not to use it on a hunting dog as it can make the nails to short and you need your dog to have nails for grip on fast turns.
  10. im not going to watch it, i know it will make me cry i just hope they get caught and go to jail for it.
  11. i give my dog a bowl of very tasty food and do it when shes eating, sometimes i get them all done, sometimes just one foot but as long as some get done i am happy as i can do more on another day. just try to aim for one or two claws to start out. its better then trying to get the whole lot done and making the dog crazzy.
  12. jac

    Hunting kit

    sorry mate its now sold
  13. if any of you lads now feel to pussy for your 177, send them to me
  14. give the stranger a dog treat to hand to your dog,(somthing realy tasty) and ask the person to only touch the dog under the chin do this enough times and he shoud settle down
  15. love the cream short hair look men, we have to put up with you, the most useless animal on this earth.you wander every where,piss everywhere and dont do anything worthwhile.. so we have to have intelligent cats to make up for it lol by the way i got an amazing man, must have been a cat in his last life
  16. yah i seena fake cat photo too. my mum has one. they use rabbit fur
  17. they all play up and down the stairs. first the ferrets chase the cat up the stairs then the cat chases them back down. there is lots of games of hide and seek behind doors. cat hates it when i put them back in the court lol
  18. quote -Jac, how do the ferret and cat get on?? great. when i bring the ferrets in the house the cat loves it, they play chase. its great fun to watch
  19. I had a cat years ago that took rabbits. He would drag them to the back door. He would follow me up the field and flush rabbits for the dog .he caught more than the dog did. This cat would do anything for me. He was amazing. Broke my heart when I lost him age 6. takes a lot to bond with a cat, and most lads on here ant got what it takes.
  20. glad to here the cats ok and back in the arms of her owner. every pet holds a peace of there owners heart. if someone hurts that pet, a human heart is broken. if someone kills that pet a human will always have a peace of there heart missing. i know every time i look at the photos of my pets that have gone.
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