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Everything posted by jac

  1. SCHOOL -- 1970 vs. 2010 Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school. 1970 - Crowd gathers. Johnny wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best mates for life. 2010 - Police called, arrests Johnny and Mark.. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Mark started it. Both children go to anger management programs for 3 months. School board hold meeting to impliment bullying prevention programs Scenario: Robbie won't Keep still in class, disrupts other students. 1970 - Robbie sent to office and given 6 of the best by the Headmasterl. Retur
  2. jac


    i hate the human race 90% of at least need wiping out ) me too i dont even like to call myself human, how could i be one, when i have a heart and i care about the feelings of all living things, when i care and love the land ,and only want the world to be a happy place . when i hear of the things humans do i say ,nope humans are not like me
  3. jac


    theres a place near singleton park on Bynmill ln. lovely place for ducks. I use to live nr there
  4. poor poor boy. go get him mate
  5. OK you asked for it .this is what i believe God can not be a man or woman or human. We only need theses bodies and are sex on this planet. I don't believe in a GOD. I believe the cosmos and everything in it is a great energy. We are all part of this energy as are every planet star tree or blade of grass. I believe we lived in energy form before we came to earth. And we lived free with no fear . We found earth and we came here. We then bcame a living form and over a very long time became what we are today. When we die we can go back to the cosmos and be free again. But I also believe many
  6. i hope you get her. dont want her out in the winter. good luck
  7. If you dont respect what you hunt or the land you hunt on. Then IMO you should not be hunting. GOOD THREAD
  8. do you know what breed she is ? poor girl. maybe you can start leaving food in a shed so she gets used to going in somewhere.
  9. inside and on my bed i love the way some of you still blame the misses, when you dont want to look soft
  10. i dont think babies are cute. i dont like them lol but puppies you gota love the diving dog though
  11. yes well this is the place of ( I am the hard man) where men cant admit they have a cat or cute pet and say crap like, yah its the misses I had to let her have one and "my ferret is for workin only . they would never admit to taking to them , that be to soft ask if they have a 177 and they run and hide. Bless them all for trying so hard to be,.. well hard lol :laugh:
  12. what a smashing looking pup. dont give it away mate sale it to a good home
  13. i got mine from a chemist, vets a rip off
  14. poor girl what a horrid thing to happen. sorry for your loss mate
  15. when mine got ticks i bought frontline spot on for kittens. and i have not seen a tick since i used it over a year ago
  16. realy like it mate they are guna love it . great job and some very happy ferrets
  17. i give mine dry food and top it up everyday, they also get raw meat for there supper
  18. hes young so he wants to play. best thing is to have a toy he likes that you can give him for a reward when he retreves. that way he gets somthing to play with for his work . its what he seems to want now
  19. dead cute pup. looks like hes guna be a good one
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