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Everything posted by jac

  1. I don't think killing a dog for one mistake is the right thing. Its not just a hunting tool you can bin if it gets broke. Its a dog. And only two years old. And now its dead. Did you take it to vet to makes shore dog was healthy and no underline cores for its change in behaviour.? Did you sleep on it and think what mite have gone wrong ?, did you tell the farmer and offer to pay for the dead sheep ? Did you think about trying it with a muzzle to see if it really had turned ?. I don't think you did much of anything . Easer to bury it and move on . Now I know why hunting gets such a bad nam
  2. yah looks like you holding him a bit tight there. try lemon juice they dont like the teast. be gentl when holding him and if he turns to bite scruff him before he dose it. then let go and do the same thing everytime he turns to bite saying NO. Dont hold him for to long. start out by just picking him up and putting him down then hold him a bit longer each time. if hes good give him a bit of chiken
  3. Yah you crul cow. try sticking it on your own tail.
  4. what concerns me was that she was only two. In my experience dogs are still pups at two. Still not fully under control even if we like to think they are. I would have put her back in the kennels for 6 months And done more training. Get her concentrating on what she is meant to be hunting. She was in the rush bed you say,and the weather wasn't the best with a bit of hill fog and light rain. That sheep could have startled her if she came upon it suddenly or even gone for her if she also startled it. And being still a pup she just did what came first in her head. If she was an older do
  5. I have found with an adult that they can bite if they don't know you. Ferrets are very shy of strangers and show it with there teeth. Its best to let him settle in . Don't try and handle him just yet. Instead go in and give him a nice bit of raw meat everyday by hand. Call him over and hand him the meat . He should soon settle down and get used to you as being his provider of food. Once he's settled and happy to run up to you, you can start picking him up. Slowly but shorly is the way to go with new ferrets
  6. yah looks like it. seems to be a price drop. so i wil go £20 posted. but i paied £30 oh well
  7. nice looking dog. feet look ok to me
  8. he said he was just thinking about it. dont say he was guna do it lol
  9. I think the people who say anything about her having a tail are just joking or winding you up. I cant see anyone in there right mind suggesting putting a crowring on an adult dog . if you are happy with her thats all that maters mate.
  10. only if the tail is a problem and only by a vet when the dog is knocked out. dont put anything on the tail mate, it be like someone doing it to your arm. she to old for that now tails to sensitive.
  11. put a price on him mate. nice looking dog dont just give him away .
  12. front line should do the job fine . best treat all of them to be safe
  13. cardbord box . cat toys. sand pit. tubes. balls.
  14. front line spray is best. spray it on a cloth and rub it all over the ferret. i have used the frontline drops for kittens on mine and not seen a tick since
  15. they are a size 7 mens I wore them out only oncs so they are as new £30 posted no offers. great quality.
  16. 10 - You can trade an old 44 for a new 22. #9 - You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road. #8 - If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times. #7 - Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup. #6 - Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo. #5 - A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space. #4 - Guns function normally every day of the month. #3 - A gun doesn't ask , "Do these new grips make me look fat?" #2 - A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep
  17. jac

    french bulldogs

    I like the french bulldog. but I dont think I would have one . no shame lads. a real man is not afrade to own up to anything and be proud of it . its the boys that hide behind the misses
  18. The problem I had was being a single mum and trying to teach my daughter to be good and treat people with respect. But as soon as she got in to school she coped the other kids and as they had no manners and no respect she soon copyed them. The teachers were not aloud to discipline and sent the kids to a class room for an hour were the kids including mine enjoyed not having to do there work and so carrid on being rude. I tried everything with my daughter. Spoke to her nice about why she needs to be good , grounded her, and took things away like poket money but as soon as she got back in
  19. I got it in an email and i like it . my sister is a teacher and cant do Fuxk all , the kids walk all over her. whats wrong with a good old slap with a sliper. and There are far to many kids clases as special needs just because they cant do as there told. Kids have the power to call the police if they get a smake.we give them to much power and they walk over all of us. i should know my daughter now wont even speek to me and has left home. all becose i tried to teach her good ways but the rest of the world taught her something different
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