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Everything posted by jac

  1. i dont know anything about Ray so cant comment on him. I am still waiting for her to get back to me on the fox. i wish i could make her see sence and get it sorted . she be gutted if the chikens get killed. i will let you know when she gets back to me . she thinks puting dog poo in the den will get rid lol
  2. you lot make me laugh, you all shxxting your pants at the thougt of an anti lol. the lady is my sisters friend she is also on my face book. i dont know her addy as i never been to her house. she posted her problem to facebook and as i hunt rabbit and use a few hunting forums I thought i could advise and help. she move to the house about six months ago and got some chickens. she says the fox has made a den in the garden . shes not a hunter so knows nothing of how to deal with a fox. and i myself dont hunt foxes as i dont see the need to an less its causing a problem . if people would stop
  3. please give me the number of your council. I HATE SPIDERS lol
  4. yah i know what you saying. witch is why i am stepin gentle on this,dont want to put her off the idea of despatch. All i can do is offer her advice and someone to do the job. then hopefully she will take up the offer .
  5. I was dead gutted that i cant shoot where i take my dog, saw a pheasant just sittin there . could have had that for dinner . i did let the dog have a go ,she did her best but she cant fly lol
  6. thanks mate. i have one guy who has offerd to do the job. I spoke to my friend and she has phoned a wild life place to see if they can help. ( yah i know not the best thing to do ) she knows it be better of despatched, but she wants to try every other avenue first . witch i can understand as she has a soft spot for fox like me lol. I just hope the fox dont get her chickens wile she is trying to sort it out. shes guna get back to me on whats happening and if she cant find another way to remove the fox then she will let me know and i can call the guy to get it sorted.
  7. Thanks HADZ. i got your number. i will let the lady know i found someone. and then if she decides she dose whant it done. i will give you a call
  8. i am on alfreton but i think she lives closer to derby. i wont give out her details till i know for shore she wants it done (witch i think she will) and only to the guy doing the job .
  9. yah better to dispatch it i think .as long as its done quick . so looking for someone to trap and deispach please. i cant see her leaving it there with chikens in the garden
  10. i havent seen it myself. but she said its made a den in the garden so i think that means its dug a hole
  11. yah i was thinking that, if i can get a trap i could let it lose up near me. loads of land up here and not many foxes. its just getting a trap. anyone got one i can use ?
  12. I have a friend who has chickens, and a fox has moved in to the garden. now like me she's got a soft spot for the fox (no anti comennts please ) But she knows the fox cant stay. the RSPCA and Council wont do anything so I have offerd to find someone to shoot it . she has said she will think on the offer. I would be looking for someone who knows how to despatch a fox quick and clean. the lady lives in a house on a residential street in derbyshire and has a baby so i need someone who is very experienced and can do the job on there own I am still waiting for her to get back to me. but if you ca
  13. the photos and story are lovely. its what gives me a soft spot for the fox. i offten see old red on my walks he sits and looks at me as he knows i wont let the dog go after him.
  14. well i have never shot a fox so i dont know what you would need. witch is why i need someone in the know. its made a den in the garden. she has thought about cleaning the den out but i dont think that will work. she dont want it eating the chckens
  15. I have a friend who has chickens, and a fox has moved in to the garden. now like me she's got a soft spot for the fox (no anti comennts please ) But she knows the fox cant stay. the RSPCA and Council wont do anything so I have offerd to find someone to shoot it , and she has said she will think on the offer. I would be looking for someone who knows how to shoot a fox quick and clean. the lady lives in a house on a residential street in derbyshire and has a baby so i need someone who is very experienced and can do the job on there own and has a gun that can do the job properly, hence why i will
  16. jac


    Silencer for pistol or air rifle. was made for a pistol so shorter than a normal silencer ,1/2 inch UNF never used was £30 posted now £25 ono
  17. people who enjoy watching a dog and its query fight to the death are no more a hunter then a man who likes dog fighting. And you don't belong in the hunting world you belong in a mental hospital
  18. i loved his films . he was a great actor and i will be missed x
  19. Fold up spade £10 posted pistol silencer £30 posted
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