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Everything posted by jac

  1. Loved reading that, reminds me of my girl. She was always looking the wrong way or sticking her nose in the air picking up scent when a rabbit was feet away. She has just started learning to look and pay more attention to me. Got her second rabbit yesterday. nice one
  2. Elkhounds are great Hunting Dogs. Although they hunt Elk and Moose, they have also been successfull at hunting Badger, Deer, Bear, Mountain Lions, Raccoons, Rabbits, Squirrels, and upland Game Birds. my dog Hunts Rabbits Squirrels and Birds. Her Favourite being Rabbit.
  3. Yes, I take it home first. Dog has never liked Raw food, just wont eat it. Have to boil bones for her. Funny as her mum and grandma love it raw. Gave her the rabbit skinned but she wont touch it, loves the fur though ran around with that all night lol. She's still young so she may get a taste for it in time.
  4. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ferreter/recipes.htm
  5. tried that, fussy dog would not eat it. so am cooking this one for her, better then wasting it. hopefully she will get used to eating it fresh as she gets used to caching them .
  6. got it in salt water . will make a nice treat for her
  7. She is an Elkhound. often mistaken for a sled dog. great for large and small game. takes a bit longer to train for small game
  8. My dog got her second rabbit today. She's a bit slow at leaning, so I was really pleased with her.
  9. it' on SKY channel 280, called Horse and country. they also have a website http://www.horseandcountry.tv/TV%20Channel...20TV%20Schedule.
  10. What a terrible thing to happen. and so sudden, her poor children . I cant begin to imagine how you must be feeling but I know a big hole is now in your heart . I hope you can all pull together and comfort each other, its easy to want to be alone with your grief. You all need each other now. I am So sorry to hear such sad news. My thoughts and prays are with you and all your family .
  11. I thought this was an Australian site after reading the posts for first time. what with all the, ok Mate, thanks mate, nice dog mate, good one mate. lol
  12. I pick a pup that's not to dominant and not to quite. Try throwing a ball and see which pup is the most excited by it, dose not have to be the first pup to chase it , you are looking for the one who has that predator look in his eyes. Don't pick a pup that bunny hops, you want good use of all its legs. You can also try using sounds to see how quick the pups respond to them . You want an alert yet calm tempered pup and of course, one who thinks your the bees knees
  13. thanks. any more suggestions? the most important thing is it must be able to kill a rabbit. not to loud not to heavy. and if I can get one for under £100 all the better
  14. what's the hip score on dam and sire? and have they been health cheeked to see that they don't carry any hereditary problems like VWD
  15. it could be Hot spots. here is a link for you . http://www.thepetcenter.com/exa/hotspots.html
  16. Is there anyway you can make a hole to a separate place that is only big enough for the pup to get through, like a cat flap, so when the pup has had enough it can get away ?
  17. What's the best gun for someone who has never used one?. Needs to be cheep and able to kill rabbits , and are air pistols any good ? I was thinking of a B2 air rifle.
  18. keep it as clean as you can, if you are going to use salt water do it 3 times a day, let the air get to it, and rest the dog till its better.
  19. My father was a hunter, and I hunted Rabbits with dogs as a kid, I am dog crazy, love them to bits. and also show my dog at dog shows,did crufts last year and qualified her for next year, I have never been a girly girl, I love being out in the open. There nothing better that watching a hunting dog hunt.
  20. A puppy needs to go toilet a lot. After sleep, after food, after play, and some times in between. To teach a puppy to go outside to toilet, you need to be with it all day, you need to take him outside and stay with him so you can praise him when he go's in the garden. if he go's in the house you can say NO and take him outside, but you can only do this if you catch him doing it, even a second or two later, and he wont know why you are angry, so if you leave him all day in the house then he has no choice but to go in the house, and wont understand why you are angry when you get home. all I can
  21. I use it with a harness, hopefully I will be able to take the lead off again soon
  22. had a better night tonight, kept her on a long lead and crept up on a group of Rabbits, got close enough to get her to see them, then let the lead go, she had a grate time charging at them and got very close to caching one, got her back by grabbing the end of the long lead. Wish they did water prove leads, it was soaking . After that she payed more attention to me and started using her eyes more , looking instead of sniffing the air. So it will be the long lead from now on
  23. I think these are what we call Lipomas, just fat deposits under the skin. They are very common and usually present no problems
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