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Everything posted by jac

  1. jac


    yah could be a cat. there are tons around here and they go to the fields looking for rabbits, i had a cat myself that would bring rabbit home.
  2. any good for night time mooching?
  3. great news mate. keep us updeated .
  4. hold it up by the back legs, so the ears fall down, give it a good hard whack with the side of your hand on the very back if the skull, were the skull is meeting the neck. kills instantly. And i find it quicker than neacking.
  5. I don't know why you were taken to court. What normally happens is, if you are NOT refusing to pay, but only pay weekly the vet can add £40 on to your bill. Witch is cheaper than taking you to court and is advised by solicitors. So you must have just had a bad one there.
  6. jac

    dog mess

    i used to do it. its legel. but i use to wash it through by putting the hose in. your own sh.t go'd down there two lol
  7. I didn't enter an agreement. I said sort the cat no matter what the cost, what I didn't say was I will be paying weekly. The vet can only take you to court if you refuse to pay. And as offering payment even if its 10 a week you are not refusing to pay
  8. i pay £11 a month for one dog . if you have more than one dog you get a discount , but you can always put mixed colour, on the form were it asks the dogs colour, so you can use the insurance on any dog. lol http://www.morethan.com/Pages/Products/Pet...CFaAA4wodzyM8JQ
  9. quote-and to those of you im not a anti i want wats best for my animals!. spoken like a true hunter. respect all life till the end.
  10. its her age. i keep mine on a long line till am ready to let her off. as soon as she done her bit, then back on the line. I do have some weeks were i dont need it as she good as gold, but as soon as she wont listen, its back on the line for a few weeks. she will get better as she gets older.
  11. jac


    that hapend to me. spent days thinking it was the new way they did it. then clicked on the options lol
  12. jac


    I eat um. dont bother me. just chop the head off quick and dont look at it lol
  13. Good luck mate. Though I would be thinking about legal action ones its all sorted. And get the dog insured I use more than pet insurance.
  14. you know what i did when my cat was hit by a car. I took her to a vet said get her sorted I dont care how much it cost. when the cat was sorted i told them i could only pay weekly. by law as long as you offer to pay there is nothing they can do even if it only £1 a week. to late for you. but i would go see citizen advice,
  15. have you told them you wont have him neuterd as he's for showing. i hate the fukn rspca. they have no right to MAKE you do that. have you tried dogs trust. ? i would take him to be treated at 3.50. but i would say they are not to nueter him. get him insured ASAP.
  16. thats the coolest thing ever
  17. nice DTR. You got there. love the colour of them dogs
  18. here you go mate http://www.dfordog.co.uk/didyouknow_anal_glands.htm
  19. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  20. well done. you off and running now
  21. thought i would have a go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9gi9eXJECE
  22. well now we know what the asx holx looks like as well as his mum lol
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