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Everything posted by jac

  1. nice looking kits and lovely photo
  2. Its real hard to get permission. I tried and tried ,I asked everyone but no joy. I just take the dog up the woods and let her get me my dinner now.
  3. try useing velcro cable ties, you can cut them to size and they come of if your ferret gets it caught on somthing. plus they are durt cheep and can eaven be used on the kits http://www.cableuniverse.co.uk/coloured-hook-and-loop-straps-215mm.html
  4. Why would they be promoting breeding if its a rescue?
  5. Hmm depends what you mean by bag if its just a simple ruck sack it may be worth investing in an air arms tdr(take down rifle) Air Arms TDR Or something like this which is only about 37 inches long Carbine Richard Thanks Richaerd. yah i have a hunting bag and ruksack. your second link is not working ,can you try again. thanks
  6. I would like to get an airrifle but never used one. i walk everywere so i am looking for small ( as in length) one that can fit in my bag and take a rabbit and be ok for a beginner. not after enything special. what would you all sugest?
  7. i found all my ferrets like water bowls better than bottles. i have the heavy bowls that cant get tiped over. i still put the bottles in but they dont use them an less the bowls are empty.
  8. i have a very young kit here. bread and milk would be the last thing i would give it. compleat ferret food soked in warm water till its soft is great for the little ones. fresh raw chicken bits or beef. i do give mine a small bowl of kitten milk that you can get in tesco,but fresh water is a must and if they are very small use a dish as kits can find the bottle hard to use .
  9. just give the dog lots of exsposure, take the dog to watch you cleen them and feed them . or let a ferret lose in the house and keep dog on lead so you can tell him no if he gets ruff. the more time the dog spends with the ferrets the better . my dog tried to kill my ferrets at first but now they can dance rings around the dog and it just sits there .
  10. i had some problem with neaking a young rabbitt , herd the crack but the thing got up again. i use the wack on the head . not had a problem with it . works every time for me.
  11. ok a friend i know has a friend who found one. i have passed on this thread. i not shore if it same one but it was found eating the lady's chicken. the lady is named Gill Bingham. and my friend who has an elkhound said she is a friend on face book. halk is being well cared for last i herd.
  12. jac

    Black Leopard

    now you know why i leged it when i herd somthing big in the woods. there was a man who saw one near me two years ago. dont want to meet one my self
  13. sounds like a pet /not working. put an add in your local shop, phone the RSPCA to see if ones been reported missing. and see if you can get your vet to scan for a chip.
  14. wish the lion had got him
  15. i got some sweet chesnuts. but when i open them they are soft and white and not brown. what dose this mean?
  16. i hunt for food. very low on cash theses days. and a rabbit is a meal not to be wasted
  17. jac

    tail docking

    its all here http://www.cdb.org/awa/index.htm The exemption for working dogs allows a dog that is likely to perform certain specified types of work to have its tail docked by a veterinary surgeon.
  18. he he . dog loved that. good way to get the dog in to rabbits.
  19. jac

    Can anyone help

    is it the Eden project? http://www.edenproject.com/visiting-eden/w...-here/index.php
  20. can i eat theses raw? and what are they good for in cooking
  21. bit old but gives you an idea http://www.vetrica.com/care/dog/hdscore.shtml
  22. have a read of this http://www.lab-health.co.uk/Tests/hips.htm
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