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Everything posted by jac

  1. I think any animal shoud first be offerd back to the breeder if no longer wanted. i would be very peed off if it hapend to me.
  2. 40 is not bad if its spayed/neuterd. saves you the cost of taking it to your vet and risking the vet charging more. you would pay about £10 for a kit, then who knows how much on top to get it done. so i think £40 is a good deal
  3. let the ferret eat the kids, i hate kids lol
  4. very sad story. and a lovely dog. what a pitty. you must miss him alot
  5. this is my kit being naughty. he loves to bite and has bite hard a few times. but as you can see hes just a kit having fun
  6. jac

    Hunting kit

    still for sale
  7. can anyone link me to witch ones to get please
  8. are theses ok? http://www.jsramsbottom.com/products/mounts--rails-1-tube-mounts-%2811mm-38-dovetails%29-guntuff-1-mounts/gtm20-guntuff-2-piece--mounts-1--medium--%5Bgtm20%5D.html
  9. thanks loads, i cant get the link to work can you post it again? and will it fit my hw45
  10. i was thinking of this one http://www.jsramsbottom.com/products/agsm432md-ags-4x32-mini-riflescope-mil-dot-reticule.html
  11. I need mounts for my HW45, can someone send me a link to the right ones please
  12. jac

    freeky meat

    i think i would give that bit to the dog lol
  13. jac

    freeky meat

    this looks dead freeky
  14. jac

    Hunting kit

    SOLD Hi I am selling a nice litte hunting set that would make a nice gift for a young Rabbiter /or an older one ONE Bunny Buster Sling Shot FROM THE USA ONE Hunting Knife ( few specs of rust on one blade) NINE Snares SEVEN Snare pegs £25 Posted. no offers
  15. very sad, sorry to here that
  16. you can get some stuff to stop bleeding http://www.shopwiki.co.uk/_Interpet-Pet-Dog-Cat-Blood-Stopper-Styptic-Powder?s=498069&o=1095122971
  17. if its snaped after the quick just cut it off, if not you could try a bit of glue, or just leave it alone
  18. i was thinking about getting the RWS ones, just wanted to be shore they would fit the gun.
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