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Everything posted by jac

  1. thats COMETA-400 Spring Air Rifle then, i thought you ment the pistol lol
  2. make shore you get it from working pearents
  3. jac

    Day Old Chicks

    if you can post them , i will take some off your hands
  4. dog looks fine, you may be over doing it with all that waking, better to have a good run in the field 3 times a day
  5. great way to de-breast. he swears more than a teenager. tut tut
  6. its just playing. mine dose it. but i sqweek when he dose it and he runs off lol
  7. sounds like somthing gave him a right scare. best to put him back in his hutch (comefort zone) and leave him be till he feels better
  8. I was told to wait till six months . castration they take the knackers away compleatly they can no longer take jils out of season or have kits and they smell less. vasectomy they just cut the tubes and tie them up so everything is still there,they can take jills out of season with out them having kits
  9. na you got it wrong, ferrets in the house fine, kids outside. thats the way to go
  10. iv got one very chatty kit, my other two hardly ever make a sound but the kit never shuts up lol
  11. yes thats about right. the bigger the dog will be the more carfull you need to be about over exercise when a pup.
  12. you mite be better off taking her to gun dog training classes http://www.thegundogclub.co.uk/Training/courses/findacourse.htm i had a dog given to me once that could only understand germen. but she soon leart to understand my comands . good luck
  13. i want the one with the white stripe . if i had the room . lovely pups
  14. witch is the ubc forum? iv got to many forum links to remember lol
  15. your like me TinTent, ones you get started you cant stop. i want this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370302147160&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT the saler said the mounts will fit. and the scope looks great. only thing is if the mounts dont fit then thats another set i got that dont work.
  16. you need to take the pup to garden every hour and stey with him so you can tell him good boy when he peeps in garden. your puppy will need to go at these times- just after waking up, just after food, after playing for 20 mins. if hes not been for an hour. if you get him out at these times and onec an hour he will very soon see the garden as the pee pot and not the house. you need to be on your toes with a little pup. but the hard work pays off. if he peeps in the house but you dont see him do it, then just ignore it. and clean it up without telling pup off. if you see him doing it, then a qui
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