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why jelly

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Everything posted by why jelly

  1. The last stage today then and the Brits have done well, 4th for Bradley Wiggins and Mark Cavendish could win today's stage? Has anyone else followed it? this is worth a look http://www.livestrong.com/
  2. Altho just joined this site, I have been trawling through loads of threads in the different sections not only this one and what I had been told about THL is actually true, that it is one of the most unfriendly sites for new members. So it is no surprise that behind the scenes is the best place to be for some members who don't feel they could handle the snide stuff. Whether I stay here will have to be a decision to make when I get nowhere or when I'm thrown off for giving it back to the keyboard warriors who hang out here. Yes there is quite a core of numpty's in this section, could be wor
  3. just realised it was in the wrong section
  4. i'm confused here fella . if you are so pleased with the rifle why put it for sale in your sig? if it does the job hold on to what you got.
  5. IF IT WAS INJURED a concernd owner would carry it or drive it...a nob would make it walk even if it was at the end of the garden I would carry the dog and walk fella and I ain't no nob that is more than i can say for the rest of the dog folk on here who come across as messers tome
  6. So! 'why jelly' I'll tell you one thing, why jelly?? if you continue kissing ass you'll bloody well need some KY jelly KY, hell I guess you got shares in it fella
  7. no line just an observation, your mods seem to be on the ball and the threads are just taking the piss which is not a good thing and it will end up like the dog dtuff on here, full of shiite.
  8. "not to good on your dog" so if I had a dog I 'd have to cary it everywhere? if you have to travel to hunt well i guess you must be living in the rong places
  9. feck em get in there after dark
  10. THERES ALWAYS ONE IDIOT WELL DONE YOU HAVE COME TOP OF THE CLASS. i walk and shoot and come hometo a full freezer, works out kind of cheaper but then im just a idiot TOO TRUE FELLA, if you eat what i shoot smellie old FOXES, see i told you theres always one idiot, and you have just proved it twice, afraid ITS YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU so you don't paqss on charlie then?
  11. sounds OK, let us know the results or a report from your local A&E would be ok
  12. i must be missing something here but apart from a vehicle to get you and your dogs to the plaqce you wnt to hunt what is the point? i'd say you aint fit enough to get out hther and get in on the action like lazy ghits who want it all broght to your laps
  13. Do you have a problem keeping hardwood tight as my experience , limited i must add, it just pulls fixings to bits.
  14. Yes ... :welcomeani: ....some nice folks on here.... We don't all want to fight and bicker... :secret: thanks for the welcome, appreciated
  15. THERES ALWAYS ONE IDIOT WELL DONE YOU HAVE COME TOP OF THE CLASS. i walk and shoot and come hometo a full freezer, works out kind of cheaper but then im just a idiot
  16. at all th crap you guys give your mods get behind them and maybe you might learn a bit
  17. like that.................ta
  18. just been readin this shite and you must spend a lotta time ine yr shed fela :wankerzo4:
  19. nice to see folk on here celebrate, have a good one fella
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