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why jelly

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Everything posted by why jelly

  1. and not just in it for the money then
  2. Brilliant bit of kit if you like projectiles flying through the air at 200 mph+++++, but just what do you do with them after you buy one? I've got one, brilliant for killing "big bales" and they are quite addictive when you start plinking at stuff, BUT if the bolt does and will come out of the back of your target, get ready to leave the country if it happens to hit anybody I'll sell you mine if you like, you'll need a session or three on a multi gym first though as it needs re-assembling
  3. :clapper: nice one thanks for the share, nice change to see this sort of post
  4. Cheers folks, they'll be roasted ready to watch some egg chasing this weekend along with a few pints of cider. The Mrs is a cook, so I leave it all to her, I'll post on here how they get done as I have no idea about cooking stuff, I'd just bung 'em in a pot with a pile of veg/wine and go from there, trouble is I'm not allowed in the kitchen if is home. Better add before I get slated, they just fell out of the sky, nowt to do with any air rifle, good job I had a hi-viz waistcoat & helmet on along with the steel toe capped wellies and the risk assessment was in date
  5. Before the thread is removed, I'll do ya a favour. How much cash are you looking for? I would like some photos please.
  6. Now when we were in Egypt name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object&g
  7. Never bothered me to be honest, take what you can while you can
  8. Get them in the "For Sales", sell loads on here
  9. and a spokesman said they would not be forgotten CLICK
  10. Is that one of them Rottie/grey's then?
  11. We had a gay Spaniel, one of triplets him and two short planks
  12. I'm all for a "Free UK Army", then we can get all the undesirables (to include all politicians) to build a wall around this island before kickin the feckers out
  13. They're all tarred with the same brush Swamps
  14. Too right friend, likes of him make me want to throw up
  15. I always give 'em a kick to give a sporting chance and then introduce them to the old lead injection
  16. Just shell them and eat them, I find I can't stop eating them once I start
  17. I wonder if Thatcher can read a map these days?
  18. On the way back HERE?
  19. Thanks, I use them as a desktop background
  20. and the final score was:- The Bears 2 - AK-47's NIL!!!
  21. Thank you, irresistible for me & my gal
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