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About keg133

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 18/10/1966

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Shooting, Sailing
  1. Business development manager (sales rep in normal language!). For a Hong Kong based electronics company.
  2. keg133


    I don't know any but you can always spot them as they fart a lot from eating veg. What's also funny is that they call their imitation meat after a hunt!
  3. Would have to disagree there Shepp, most religions are pretty similar in their views, be they christian, hindu, jewish, muslim etc, it's the way they are interpreted by us humans. Many nasty things have happened in the name of christianity over the years, new testament or otherwise. We only have to look at Ireland to see what religion did there ( mix in a bit of politics as well. Take the basics like revere your old, look after your young , its the ten commandments in a different format. However agree with all on here, a pedo in any religion is scum and needs removing...
  4. Should actually be executed, a friend who is a doctor is of the opinion that paedofiles cannot be rehabillitated. Actually, the Koran is no different to the bible, its the way the extremeists interpret it that makes it what it is.
  5. keg133


    Need to correct a few things- 28 days is the time period that you have to receieve the NIP, not 14, the fact that there was no pavement is probably the reason that the camera was there. it is crap getting these points as a youngester, but as somone who was on 9 points for three years ( now that was scary as another three and my job would have been gone),at the end of teh day you werespeeding. I agree that they are a money earner. Where I live there are a load between us and the city centre, no real accident blackspots...
  6. Andy beat me to it!, also live in Leeds and had a fair bit. Stopped now and supposed to be rain later- depends on temp though, may fall as snow.
  7. keg133

    laptop query

    Confused here, If you have a router supplied by your broadband provider, ( mine is BT) it should allow at least 2 pcs of any type to be connected without both being swithced on. Only the one in use should need to be switched on. How old is your router, and who is your supplier. If it's less than a year old, it wil probably have wireless already . Hope that Helps Tim Apologies, just re-read your post and all makes sense re having the main PC on
  8. :clapping: Agreed happy new year for later everyone, off to start my drinking!
  9. Surely doing something illegal then posting it on here or (worse) being caught doing it will only pull the whole Hunting/Shooting/Fishing community into a bad light?
  10. I have an N reg 300TDi and get about 26 mpg round town 30 on a run. Wife has a Toyota Lancruiser and gets about 23 round town but 32 on a long run
  11. Relative newby to the site as a whole, but it's been great so far for advice and comments on all things hunting,so hello folks. Couldn't help but add my views in here. Like or hate Maggie, you knew where you stood with her, unlike any of the three main parties today. The bulk of the current "New Labour" cabinet were either full card carrying members of the communist party in the 80s, or members of CND happy to roll over to our fraternal socialist allies in Russia. The poll tax was an interesting one, one of the fairest systems out, like your gas, water and electric, you pay for
  12. Evening all, Just joined the site. Been a keen Air rifle and shotgun shooter for the last 21 years, just applied for FAC and all seems to be going smoothly. Live in Yorkshire and am lucky enough to have access to my best mates' farm. Look forward to chatting/posting Cheers Tim
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