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Everything posted by nod

  1. Hi i'm no expert and people on here can correct me as i dont really use cage traps for rabbits but what i have been told about these traps is to put them on a run were the rabbits are regulary stationary grazing and were a large pile of the rabbit droppings can be seen and also putting two cages back to back so the rabbit either way it runs on its usual run enters your trap, and also i was told if the one cage catches swap it with the cage that is on the back of it as the rabbit is likely to have urinated and faeced whilst in the cage and other rabbits will think this is normal and then end u
  2. not too far from me i'm at march bout 30 mins
  3. yes they do it there, done mine 9 years ago there, when i was taking the sitting shot a roe buck and doe came walking through, was very tempted but the instructor said no , even though i passed
  4. each to there own, done a couple with ficam and had call back, unless i missed a place where they were hiding, but talk is they are getting resistant to it, never tried d earth yet but have heard good thing about it
  5. what did you treat the infestation with.i like ficam w but as you know you cant always use it for various reasons.dont you just love it when the customer informs you they have been sleeping on the couch for the last few days. i would have thought that ficam is one of the safest to use dries very quick and also the hoover dont pick it up, shite on bbs though
  6. £60 i can get 5 cages for that and they have 10 year gaurentee
  7. nod

    Black Leopard

    There is alot more about than what people think, when they brought n the liscencing to have a dangerous animals some people got them and some didnt so just let them go, i have never seen a big cat in the wild but its in our local paper maybe 3 times a year for sightings of them.
  8. I think i would think about it for bout a second while i'm loading the gun but that would be the only chance he gets of flying away,
  9. is that a legality? so it legally has to be in an open run? yes came out think last year
  10. this time of year there could be a few, as the young ones have left the dreys by now, this time last year i took 14 squirrels out of some ones loft in a week 4 adults rest kits, so get as many as you can either traps or gun whichever is the safest option.
  11. I know this is for rabbits but you cant set a fox snare on fences or any where they can get tangled and hang.
  12. Yep thats made it clear thank you
  13. When using a deer stop on a rabbit snare how would this work, obviously a rabbit has a smaller neck than a cat or deer so how would the snare catch a rabbit and close enough to hold it, but not a deer, i'm confused
  14. When i got my firearms cert 8 years ago i was only 17 and the only land i had was a 25 acre pig farm with a public footpath straight through the middle of it, the gardens of houses backed on to this all bar the dyke stopping it, i never had any trouble getting my ticket for this land and any trouble from the land itself, fao knew about the footpath aswell
  15. No mate they were on a pig farm in there hundreds, and costing the farmer alot of money as they were eating the pig pellets, they had to be thinned out
  16. I'll try it ur way if u try it my way and dogdigger can have a go at both yeah
  17. have seen this been done but think it takes bit longer for the bird to die from broken back
  18. You can get a tool to dispatch them, but there bout £30 for some off set pliers. What i do is hold the bird in the left hand twist the head round with my finger till it cant go no more then a sharp twist the same way will do the trick, no flapping of wings this way and no feathers all over the decoy pattern, have a go on a fresh dead bird first see how u get on. Dont hold it by its head and swing the head will come off and blood goes every where and it looks like an amature
  19. Done it maybe 4 times with the rimmy, once with the air gun 2 youngs ones, once with the 410, before they were protected picked up 18 starlings with the 12g pack of straling flew across the road as i was in the car, bump bump bumpbump dont know how many 2 ducks and 3 pigeons with the shottie,
  20. Had a job come in with these running amok in the loft, found the hole where they were getting in through, seen em running round a large walnut tree for few weeks as well, pulled back the facia board and put a fenn in there, first thing in the morning phone rings, trap went off at 2.50 in the morning, glad he never rang me then. went there soon as, pulled the trap out and noticed she had been suckling,had a look with the torch and could see some feet moving so pulled them out, 2 very young eyes still closed, so dispatched those, customer was very happy am going back 2moro to seal up all entran
  21. Took my young un out today only in a 4 holer, put the old one in to clear any rabbits out (2) then put him down the empty warren just to get used to the smell of the warrens, 3 n half months he is wont put him down properly for another 6-8 weeks though
  22. get some flubenvet down em, should be out the system (i think) in 4 weeks, ready for the season . thats if the birds are old enough
  23. Still SHOUTING at everyone then? Is this training for a recognised qualification? If not, it's not worth bothering. A 16 year old can have all the relevant qualifications, but with no driving licence will be unemployable in the pest control industry, and will not be allowed onto a lot of commercial sites. Unless there is a good bus route could be the next rat pack but in wales
  24. That aint the proper frontline for that price,think i paid nearly £18 from the vets unless i was ripped off
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