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Everything posted by nod

  1. I would say that is a fenn just with a smaller plate
  2. Perthshire are you ste mac on fb
  3. Nearly 20 in cambs bit slow but still doing plenty of moles
  4. When the tender goes out they normally go for the cheapest tenders,
  5. If it's suffering then if would say yes you can put it out it's misery
  6. They would still need to be a good size trap or could fall foul of animal welfare
  7. i doubt most on here wont know what one is, i didnt till last year
  8. Use to be but wasn't on the new list
  9. Do you always use the cubby in it, never used the kania to pricey for me
  10. Pretty sure it's law to proof up after treating honey bees with anything,
  11. No point removing masonry bees they are only there a short period of time, have done one starter wasp nest. Got swarm to collect tomorrow if it's still there
  12. Hori hori no good near me. We don't get the luxury of grass on farms just mud
  13. Fox? TC Pretty sure fox don't lay eggs
  14. Neither were in any trouble
  15. No that's the one about about Bill 'pop' Bowels. Arthur's book was called 'fenland mole catcher'
  16. sometimes i think about it but not often, Arthur and 'Pop Bowels' were the main mole men about here then
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