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Everything posted by nod

  1. i have bolted a fox with my ferret, but then i know 2 ferrets that have lost to a fox, i think it all depends what time of year it is, if its a vixen with cubs then she aint really going to bolt she will protect them, winter might be different they need all thier energy to catch food so any fight would be avoided
  2. where bouts are you i do square ones
  3. update from commentator nod countdown at end of 4th fury took that round
  4. he lost the 3rd took 4 good hits and shook him up
  5. most fleas can live on another host but not breed on a different host, so they could jump on and off when they wanted,
  6. hay makes them sweat and holds the moisture, not good for them,
  7. longnetter on here his are good price and quality
  8. tut its obvious, he's going to climb through the gaps in the top, he should be ok if he tucks his arms in when he's trying to get out
  9. goaly glove and snorkel, panic wanks... get ready then shout the missus the goal is to finish before you get caught
  10. There's a lot of meat and bone to get through at 25yds with 6 shot, for a clean kill, even with full choke. aw ffs!!!! there is more meat on a pheasant than there is on a fox to get through, 6's will piss a fox at 25yards
  11. nod


    wasnt the same place last year was it, if it was they could be hornets, wasps never use the same nest again, the latest i have done a wasp nest was december 2nd, they were dopey as hell, but falling through the lights in the cieling, the queen should be laying queen eggs for next year, then she will die off along with the workers and the queens for next year will go off and find a suitable site to hibernate over winter
  12. spit on ur finger, they will lick it off, mine even no the sound before i have even put my finger in the cage, pick them up just as they wake up, they will wonder wtf is going on, someone told me to let them bite ur thumb then squeeze the bottom jaw they will let go, never tried it as never needed to.
  13. im a pestie, love it, get paid to shoot rabbits, what more could you ask for, do get to see some shitty houses tho, wipe your feet on the way out, then they wonder why they have mice
  14. if they want to take it they will, unless your putting big enough stakes on them
  15. i would be very surprised if you havent caught any birds in that trap tomo, the size of that opening,
  16. where you getting your traps from, loads of copied tunnel traps about and they are shite, are you covering the roof tile aswell or just as it is, air current and light might be getting through the roof tile, setting trap in feeding area could be another reason thier senses are going like mad looking for worms anything that feels different they might dig down under the trap, get the traps on thier motorways they soon crash
  17. have they been is season recently, if you have 2 jills one could have been in season and treated the other jill as her young, dragging and biting her on the back of the neck causing it to become red and sore, e45 cream on the sore should make it bit better
  18. this is the norm for me as i normally go ferreting on my tod for work, it saves alot of time setting the nets outs just put in ferrets and wait, soon learn to be quick, will be out 2moro made up some mesh stops so when the rabbits bolt they cant go back down
  19. nod

    baby names ideas

    did u have to put a pic of u and the wife making the baby on ur avitar Wxm
  20. nod

    baby names ideas

    i have 2 boys aged 5 and 2 and i chose older names she wanted 'newer' names but george and jack it was, we do win sometimes lads
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