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Everything posted by nod

  1. i have to take my mod off cause it wont fit in the cabinet with it on, dont make no difference to zero
  2. i started with gun and carts then dad said 'theres some old gutter down by the shed make use of that' still use the same decoys now along with others
  3. its easy to find mine they always have rabbits in :angel:
  4. pretty sure it was on an aston martin the plate was G5POT, a shoot i go on the owner has M9 on his range rover
  5. nod

    irish smiles

    With apologies to Irish members Paddy and Mick go to London to donate sperm. It was a disaster! Paddy missed the tube and Mick came on the bus! A Muslim was sitting next to Paddy on a plane. Paddy ordered a whisky. The stewardess asked the Muslim if he'd like a drink. He replied in disgust "I'd rather be raped by a dozen whores than let liquor touch my lips!" Paddy handed his drink back and said "Me too, I didn't know we had a choice!" Paddy calls Easyjet to book a flight. The operator asks "How many people are f
  6. keep your dogs up there police are pretty hot on it at the moment round here
  7. this time of year there is a few anglers on the rivers everyday, there was a match few weeks ago and over 100 pike were caught biggest went 25lb, zander are thin on the ground and a nice walk if you want to find them biggest i have seen come out was 14lb from the river delph at manea, but cannot get over the bedford at that end no more, the pumping station down welches dam is always good for a few had 5 fish there last year for total of 75lb in 2 hours, the silver fish seem to shoal at the back of the pumping station in the delph and the pike follow them, 16 foot is producing some to 18lb at
  8. he can only relocate the fox if he has permission to do so on that land, also relocating a fox could cause it to starve as it dont know the surroundings
  9. and do what with it when he's caught it, he says only has an air gun
  10. badgers go for the gut of sheep as its the softest part, then all for one after the kill
  11. its a good size rat but not 3 foot, if it is then that fork is 5ft wide
  12. no termites this side of the water. you keep em
  13. if it goes bang and your on target dont matter what load you are using
  14. At Sunday church the local Vicar explains that he must move on to a larger congregation that will pay him more. There is a hush within the congregation. No one wants him to leave because he is so popular. Fred Smith, who owns several car dealerships in Glasgow, stands up and proclaims: 'If the Vicar stays, I will provide him with a new Mercedes every year and his wife with a Volkswagen mini-van to transport their children!' The congregation sighs in appreciation and applauds. Sam Brown, a successful entrepreneur and publican, stands up and says, if the Vicar will stay on h
  15. nod

    few jokes

    The wife came home from work and suggestively lifted her skirt and winked at me. "Oh," I said, "I'm just popping upstairs to slip into something a little more sexy first." "Ooh what is it", she asked. "It's your sister, she's staying the night. "A bloke I work with told me he was going to end his life. He was going to pour a gallon of petrol over himself and light a match. I told him "Ahmed, it's times like these that you need your family round you"
  16. nod


    pretty sure muck boots do some with studs on them, a keeper had some he said they were great untill he went on concrete and went arse over tit
  17. nod

    few jokes

    My mate just said, "if you was going to finger Susan Boyle, which one would you use?" I said, "Yours."
  18. once the female rat has dropped her litter she can become pregnant straight away
  19. Are you allowed to dig near the graves? a drop box really only works along side a fence, talk to the local parish they might even let you shoot there with airgun or get some one else in to do it
  20. nod

    few jokes

    Two men talking in a bar first guy says 'did you hear one of James Bonds' girls split her fanny open' 'What Honour Blackman' he says 'no on her dildo'
  21. nod

    few jokes

    Some guy just knocked on my door selling raffle tickets for poor black orphans. I said, “f**k that – knowing my luck, I’d win one!” Wife says to husband, “If you cycle to work, we can get rid of the second car.” He replies, “If you take it up the arse and let me cum on your face, we can get rid of the nanny!” Japanese farmers reckon they’re doing it tough? BULLSHIT! I seen one farm on TV and the prick had two huge boats and about 20 cars in his front yard! What’s the difference between a refugee and ET? ET looked better, smelled better, learnt English, did
  22. i think most of the traps imported from the states come from wcs (wildlife control supplies) then they are sent to the magnum trap co
  23. plenty of moles this way now, was slow to start but now they come with avengance
  24. must be a .177 cause its a head shot :whistling: good shooting
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