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Everything posted by nod

  1. you can still shoot them though, so if he is whining that bad about a dove tell him where to go
  2. good shooting, thats a collard dove though not a feral
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB5O2BBAcWI
  4. Still on the traps now Phil. Was member of btmr for 2 years. Not now though. Spend very little on advertising, most is word of mouth, best advertising you can get. Might get to know how a mole farts by joining the Guild, but all you need to know is where the runs are.
  5. holding anything away from the body and closer to camera will always make things look bigger
  6. not massive at all, you think how big a rat trap is about 8inch that rat aint much bigger than the trap,
  7. cambs police require 8. i sent mine with 4 and had to send another 4.
  8. They say they have 500 members but how many still pay membership. I was member number 5. I done it for 2 years and only got couple of jobs from it. I still get emails from Brian about different things they are doing but don't pay.
  9. There I was thinking the mites had something to do with bees declining but nope the badgers are to blame :/
  10. Where bouts are you
  11. will need to use heavier cartridges for the gun to cycle
  12. when using talpex i just use the sod of earth thay i cut out to put over the trap, in shallow runs i use flat pack
  13. i dont bryn, never have backfilled the holes i have dug out,
  14. who goes lamping with 6 bullets? just say it aint your coat
  15. i would change the font on the tel number at top and the writing near the bottom seems to have overlapped
  16. only 10 today from 24 cages. blanked on the first set of 8
  17. 1st field i had 5 from 8 traps 2nd field had 2 from 7 3rd field had 10 from 9 traps had a double in one 2 were too small to take, so 17 from 24 cages plus last nights shooting, happy butcher and a little pocket money for me.
  18. have not had any nicked, or trashed, had some rabbits let out, alot of my trapping this year has been along footpaths so fenns or snares were a no go, had 68 the other week in 8 days trapping from 15 cages, they work well i find. i think i have about 40 in total but then i sell cage traps aswell some guys near me run 100 at a go
  19. thought i was going to be finished with my cages till later in year as other pests are taking up more of my time, but was fairly local so said yes, went and put 24 cages down on some wheat and sugar beet and went to another part of the farm with the rifles, started in the yard with the rapid and wasnt long before 4 does were in the bag the 2 young to follow then went along the railway line and trimmed some up with the rimmy total for tonight was 14 with 11 keepers will see how i get on with cages in the morning.
  20. he didnt say he had set snares for foxes, he said he was after some ferret food and he had caught some foxes in rabbits snares in the past, most of the negative replies came from people who post most in the dog section,
  21. not yet havent had time yet but will get pics up when i do
  22. I think all my permission that i have got for shooting is all paid jobs, I cant think of anything much better than getting paid to shoot rabbits, deer and fox, so depends if they want to pay i will travel, furthest is 40 miles, and have maybe 7000 acres
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