one of the first things i ever shot with a shotgun was a pig, at 4 inches away from the head it aint going no where. 28gm 7.5 shot was used, bolt gun was used on smaller pigs upto 15kg
when i take mine out the ground i bang most of the mud off, thats about itonly normally get couple of years out of a trap so they dont tend to go rusty in that time. imo anyway
just something for you to try, instead of making a gap for the trigger to fire upwards, just lean the trap backwards, thats what i use to to when i used them, 90% of my traps are tunnels now
If some one came into my house there is no way i can get to the guns without going passed them first, i dont think the kids nerf guns will do much good, u if the threat was there anything will do.
rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6