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Everything posted by nod

  1. Will try and get some pics off the shoot I was underkeeper on, nearly 100 partridge sheds for gamefarming and 13000 partridge and pheasant for the shoot. 2 of us done that, my mate started gamefarming 2 year ago and does 45000 mostly on his Todd. Gets a hand when bitting, catching up.
  2. A fully qualified mole catcher? No qualifications needed to catch moles
  3. My howa didnt like hornady, after they changed the primers. Pinched a hole straight through. Use remmington now 55g
  4. They used to use them traps to catch birds of prey, by putting a pigeon under the net and when bird of prey hit the net it snaps shut and the pigeon flies off
  5. Fox in a rabbit snare, tut tut lol. Little while ago mick had his post removed for showing a fox in a rabbit wire. Will this go same way?
  6. I won my weight in bait other year, only time I wish I was fatter. Still got fair bit of it, prefer trapping them
  7. Yeah would think I will have a drive over unless work stops play.
  8. I use a trowel. Have a word with matt the rat. He does mole spades
  9. Got to be a run where they are coming in
  10. Mixing anything with pre mix poison is illegal. If you have the poison put it down in a safe place. Put the peanut butter in your sarnies
  11. I got 10 pouches of golden from turkey for £50. Sleeves are about £20 out there for l&b
  12. Did that say comes with 4 Mags and you have a spare to sell to me
  13. Poisoned rat won't kill the cat. It would need to eat loads to affect it
  14. Was out last night with a mate on a small reservoir. Finished with 15 mallard and 4 greys. They were still pouring in as we packed up, could have carried on but have enough for family and friends for couple of weeks.
  15. Got a mate doing his 3rd year at sparsholt now. I done mine at a shitty college copying out of books, didn't even see a pheasant
  16. What's everyone paying for steel carts, I got 4 boxes today for bit of ducking 32g 3s for £5.50 a box. Nearly as cheap as lead
  17. Lift the trap off the ground for crows stops them walking round it if you didn't want a side entry
  18. What do you think all the other mole traps do. They crush.
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