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bunny warren

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Everything posted by bunny warren

  1. try soaked dry food from 3weeks and small amounts of meat eyes open 4 to 41/2 weeks by 6weeks feed as much as they can take
  2. copy of j darcys extreme lurcherwork hard to get hold of now out of print,£95 and i will post first class recorded and copy of now thats what i call lurcherwork now out of print £20 and will post 1st class recorded cheers no wise cracks about the price because there probably worth more now
  3. get one of the new deben locators there 100times better than the old!
  4. copy of dig deep throw well back by j darcy read once then put away £70 now sold cheers
  5. mines quarter beardie rest whippet works gorse bramble etc like a terrier andcaught everything from mice to pheasant and everything inbetween and the best part is great round the house dont know shes there brilliant cross
  6. i lost 2 last year suddenly put it down to bad weather damp etc fine one day dead the next . later found out lots of people lost them same time oldest one survived and still working fine.possibly viral?
  7. you can make 14/15 3 1/2ft nets out of the polyester from dd timber easier than hemp as it doesnt snap as easy but the hemps more traditional .if theres a boyes near you they have stuff for drawcord at about 5/6pence a metre probably works out -90p hemp works out £1.50 a net
  8. i dont think its the wind ,more the direction the wind is comeing from,i found rabbits reluctant to bolt directly into an east wind ,and will bolt the other side if they can,one day years ago iwas ferreting early seaon on some big open sets,it was very warm and it was blowing a gale , the rabbits were flying out ,nothing would stop them comeing out ,even when we done the sets ,where rabbits we had lost ,through blown nets had run in still bolted, with no lay ups ,i killed a rabbit there that day ,took it out the net ,dropped it on the ground,and it ran off,it ran for twentyyards ,then stoppe
  9. dd timber products chilton advertise in countrymans weekly makes 15-16 4ft nets bright colours or dark easier to use than hemp real good stuff about £10 i think
  10. talk about hijacking the lads thread why dont u wait untill he has sold his put in earthdog runningdog two words then look in other items and there are about 20 also got working terrier and the running dog issues from1990 will sort them out tomorrow when i return from the shiftys permission laden down with game.
  11. very interested mate will check them out on ebay just been on ebay cant find them what category are they in aye same here glad its not just me lol
  12. just put old copys of earthdog runningdog on ebay from issue 5 and old running dog journals 1988 and1991 just put in earthdog runningdog in search think there in magazines
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