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Everything posted by compostman

  1. does look a strong un,have you had it from 8 week old or only just got it had him for a good bit
  2. Did u get him from liverpool ? no mate got him of a lad from oxford salty 81 of this site but hes mate bred him.
  3. thank for your comments over the moon with him so far.
  4. up date on pup whut do you think.
  5. weres the chepest place to get a light force blitz
  6. i whunt to get a light force blitz weres the best place to buy a new one.
  7. f**k me you was on about a dog not mating ya bitch now a couple of hours later you got pups thats been good advice you lads gave fair play look the dates
  8. pups came this morning 4 bitchs no dogs.
  9. i think shes about 8 months now very strong littlie bitch.
  10. i think sume bull crosses can run sume cant.i had dog sume years back and when he ran its like he swang hes back legs out to the right.he did get faster when he became a adult dog but hes way of running was still much the same.he became a good fox dog but no good for deer never had the speed.its all most like sume bull crosses have hip broblems.just hang on to him see how he turns out he should cume good for you in the end.
  11. he loves her very strong little bitch.she will make good little lamper.
  12. i think youve got the rong person ive never had a bitch with them broblems.i dont even no you
  13. Is it yours? thats not the dog i was on about.
  14. i got fedup with the show seen becuse of the non working dogs about five years ago.so ive not been for a long time now the people that were showing the non working dogs are now judging.it makes me sick all the show shit and there breeding from them which makes it even worse.
  15. a young promising dog with pricked lugs another parks terrier at 10 months old were does the ears cume from
  16. And a patterdale is what a dog.ive seen the dog in my eyes its not a patterdale ive got a patterdale fell terrier lakeland call it whut you will.but a jackrussull its not but thats just me a its free world.
  17. a young promising dog with pricked lugs like the look of him big bill.
  18. define a pure patterdale?there all x breeds anyways when you look at a patterdale you dont say oh look jackrussell do you?.
  19. can you call it a pure patterdale though.becuse obviosly theres sume think else in the mix.
  20. that sume think else as gone in the mix in the past.
  21. theres a white and black jackrussell at stud in my eyes on preloved.i sent her a email just for a bit of fun to tel her i dont think its a pure bred patterdale.whut do you lot think.do you think theres such a thing as a mostly white and black patterdale.
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