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Everything posted by compostman

  1. If you not a fan of the bull cross don't post
  2. If you can't say any think nice don't say any think.put a pic of me dog up and the first post was saying bull cross no good nice chap lol
  3. Bull cross for me had all the breeds over the years.thay do what it says on the tin if I wanted to course hares I would have a saluki cross.but when things start biteing back the bull cross his the dog.
  4. 58s 38s bull greyhound fast dog just been bringing him on rabbits and around the holes with the terriers.ive broke him to all stock
  5. His about 15 months old now making nice dog
  6. Was told mine his 15 months nice looking little dog with good bone
  7. Just got a Lakeland terrier of c nuttle breeding any one els got this line
  8. I crossed my patterdale dog with a Lakeland bitch then years after I bred my patterdale dog to his daughter from the litter pups were very good strong good heads and more bone from the patterdale dog this his what I wanted.there was one bitch pup out of six pups with under shot jaw.not now but later on there's a dog pup from the first cross matting made a real good dog work wise.could I put him over a bitch from the father to daughter matting of would that be to close.
  9. Think I've sorted it now parted them up.theres one dog 4 bitchs the dog seemed to be starting on two of the bitchs then thay would all Plow in.definately would have had dead pup if I never parted them.ive stuck the two bitchs in same side all seems ok for the time being
  10. Are your pups very closely line bred by any chance mate?yes mate
  11. Pat pups 7 weeks old fighting seem raging each other on back end.?
  12. Any good dogs out there or pre ban get some pics up.this dog making nice dog
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