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Everything posted by compostman

  1. thanks for all the replys looks like you all got your way of feeding your dogs.ive got mine on beta grayhound and ive been giveing mince meat and chiken.do you think thats ok.
  2. 3/4 grayhound 1\4 saluki any one got any pics
  3. thanks for the reply boys how much meet do you think thay need in there deit.do you feed them meet evrey day.
  4. day time running dogs whut do you feed yours and whut do you think thay need in there diet.
  5. most of the bull cross dogs ive seen not very good on them.
  6. i no him mate hes only young but hes sound i have got a piture of his dog some where im off 2 work now but ill try and get it on 2morrow cheers fellas
  7. did see one at a working dog show down the new forest.sorry no pics but he was a nice looking dog.and the guy said he was over the moon with him.
  8. thats whut happens when you by pups of car boot sales.
  9. my brothers dog 16 months old doing the job cant ask for more with him.hes first cross back to 58s 38s bull cross.26 h
  10. my dog im bringing on 58s 38s bull cross 15 mounths old cume on relly well.
  11. is there any smooth coated bitches.thay should make good big strong dogs.
  12. went out last night to sume filds thats been cut.had a good night still a bit out for the dogs.
  13. all your dogs look well its nice to see keep up the good work
  14. nice looking dog looks fast good breeding to that golly
  15. nice bitch to she was black all over very good feet and she was not fine like alot of them she was big strong build.irish bred she was and the drive she had was like a bull cross.
  16. nice bitch to she was black all over very good feet and she was not fine like alot of them she was big strong build.irish bred she was and the drive she had was like a bull cross.
  17. i had a grayhound sume time back she was good worker 28in.i was going to breed sume 3/4 1/4 i must have kept her for a year she never came in sesson.i let her go to sume one i no.the girl i let it go to said shes still not cume in sesson yet.that must have been about two years with out cumeing in sesson.
  18. nice looking dog mate ive got a 58s 38s same build but not so big of head.sume of bull cross dogs cume out to heavy but he looks like he can run.
  19. well i have seen this dog work no money in my pocket hes as game as thay cume.never had a problem with the dogs feet.and i dont even no turk.and that dog back to a grayhound in my mind will make sume very good pups.ive just been given a 58s 38s pup.but if i never i would have had a pup out of him. if its a bull cross your looking for you cant go rong with that dogs breeding.and i think the dog looks very well from whut i can see on the photos on here.i no hes a good dog and the people that have seen him work no hes a good dog.so good luck with the dog and keep on hunting.
  20. so weres the dog now then boys.
  21. good dog that mate if i had my time over again would have never have sold him.can i get a pup from him.tel07748275996
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