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Everything posted by compostman

  1. the father to this bitch was a first cross bull grayhound back to a 5/8s 38s bull grayhound.the bitch was a bedlington whippet.this is the pup out of that breeding a funny cross dont ya think shes a loveley dog follows you around like a shadow shes about ten mouths now looking fowerd to getting her going.
  2. ive just got a jack russell pup hulme parckin bred going to give it a go.
  3. im looking for a nuttle bred pup i live in hampshire any one got any must be working stuff.
  4. it was a cub earth small cub shits on the earth and feathers all over the place.im going to keep the bitch and try her again i dident mean for her to go in.whut can i do its dune now.theres sume c**ts on here all you whunt to do is run lads down.
  5. 11 mouths old bitch went in on sume cubs to day got bite came out like a shot and would not go back in.i had my patterdale dog on the lead he whunted in but i just walk away it was on a foot path and i dont like diging cubs.but now i dont no whut to think of the bitch i diddent mean for her to go in.but now dont no if to keep her or not.
  6. fat bull cross pups when there pups i like them fat give them as much food as thay like.then as thay get older you see them turn in to big strong dogs.it be nice to see pics of fat pups that have turned in to big strong dogs before and after.
  7. any one els think the breeding mite be teres.
  8. nice pup mate hes going to be a bit of a lump.hows he breed
  9. nice little bitch mate as she got much bone. strong like.
  10. my pup the guy i got him of said he thinks that the dog was out of a dog called the beast.
  11. 2500 for a black and tan terrier thats the problem just to win a show.it drives me up the wall and thay dont work them becuse thay are wourth so much money in the show ring.then thay breed from the same dog becuse he wins shows and then you have a nuver top class show dog.then it starts all over again.then before long you have a line that looks good but never been worked.you see them at the shows and thay say o yes hes a good worker with not a mark on the dogs face.im talking lakeland here there ment to be a bit on the hard side.true 2500 for a terrier a joke.
  12. this is him from a pup to a dog. hes nice a male version of my little bitch any pics of your bitch mate
  13. couldent say it any better my self mate.no way would i keep a dog that as jacked it would allways be in the back of my mind.
  14. when you have a dog that jacks you will no all about it.
  15. years back i had a patterdale dog he was small but very strong and could get in any were.ive still got patterdales but not so small he was a andy dog to have around.i will try and find sume picks out of him and put them up.does any one work this type of dog.be nice to see sume pics.cheers all the best for now.
  16. any pics of the dog the sire to the pups.would be nice to see.cheers
  17. i cant remember the blokes name who i sold it to and ive lost my old phone with all the numbers on. it might not be one of mine it might just be a coincidence. but if it is ill tell you now if you put the work into it then it will make a good dog as my bitch is a cracker and so is the dad. the dad is a 5/8 3/8 bullx 28"tts and the mom is the bitch in my avater. anyways good luck with the pup. i dont no if it is the same dogs or not thay do look alot alike.so the bitch to the pups is she a colie grayhound or bull cross with colie in her. when i got her as a pup i was told she was
  18. i cant remember the blokes name who i sold it to and ive lost my old phone with all the numbers on. it might not be one of mine it might just be a coincidence. but if it is ill tell you now if you put the work into it then it will make a good dog as my bitch is a cracker and so is the dad. the dad is a 5/8 3/8 bullx 28"tts and the mom is the bitch in my avater. anyways good luck with the pup. i dont no if it is the same dogs or not thay do look alot alike.so the bitch to the pups is she a colie grayhound or bull cross with colie in her.
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