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welsh power

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Everything posted by welsh power

  1. there was the judge of the courcing was shit he was a right :wankerzo4:
  2. my doy was the same mate about his food an kept eating grass so i just left a full bowl of food out all the time n let the fussy git starve himself but now theres no with his food lol but still eating the grass but try 2 keep his head up out of it because you dont no what the farmers got down on it lol
  3. powerbait,prawns,marmite on bread i use on the ponds seems 2 do the job 4 me atb
  4. good luck mate cant wait 2 get my new kit out i ent done fly fishing 4 6years so cant wait 2 get back in 2 it
  5. nice fish that mate wa bate u have that on
  6. heres my beddy grey deer grey she's 10 now an 24 1/2 tts
  7. i got ther at 11 an dun about 20 laps of it the dogs got bord an so did i an we was back home by 1:30 dont fink i'll b goin back 2 this 1. but the monmouth gamefair is a good day out went there last year 4 the first time an had a good day out so i sha'll be there this weekend
  8. my dogs are good [bANNED TEXT] most stock day and night but they hate sheep in the day dont no why that is an my beedy deer x bitch hates chickens shes had 2 an ducks shes had 1 of mine :wankerzo4: lol an my whettan bull x dont mind them hes out [bANNED TEXT] them all day so i got 2 bring the bitch in :crazy: fools
  9. ok mate cheers 4 that an i'll be at monmouth 1 of the lads told me about tha last week atb w p
  10. any shows comeing up this weekend in wales
  11. 2GOOD they wud eat 4 a life time off u n the lil man
  12. I will b ther agen this year but I wnt b goin back 2 the van n mising my dogs next race like last year haha
  13. Cheers mate hope 2 meet some of u lads ther atb w p
  14. What time is kick off and how much 2 get in lads
  15. Il be ther lads I was wondering when this show was on cheers 4 putting this post up atb w p
  16. yea iv had a lot of things whith him hes dun me proud so far sum nice looking pic's lads keep them coming atb wp
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