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welsh power

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Everything posted by welsh power

  1. Just seem pics of the pups at 2 weeks old but duck me they are sum size don't no what they are throwing back 2 because the sir is a 1/4 bull gray back 2 3/4 wheaten gray an dam is a deer collie back 2 beedy wippet
  2. I tried 4 them went on the net an had a look 4 them they sed the rivers around my way are full of them didn't have duck all in the traps though lol. I dont no about a licence but it is illegal 2 catch are 1's atb wp
  3. How's it going buddy you going down the Welsh next week hope ryfud is looking fat 4 the raceing Lmao

  4. Will be making a stop at Asda 4 there super dooper deals lol
  5. Cheers buddy can't wait 2 have a good weekend down ther an a few cheeky beers
  6. Any one no how much it is 2 camp ther 4 the weekend
  7. How's it going mate have you got a new number been trying 2 ring you need you 2 try sort sumfink out for me

  8. How's the pups comein on buddy any more pics of them
  9. Had 1 in my old house used 2 feck about with every fink had 2 get a priest 2 bless the house because it started playin [bANNED TEXT] the kids I can't say I seen it but iv seen it Moveing stuff about. But as my Nan always say its not the dead you shud be scerd of its the living is the 1s 2 watch
  10. F**k them all every dog as its day
  11. Cant wait 2 have my pick of the litter fair dos 2 both dog well bred an 100% all round
  12. No Whitey u get your dog 2 barge the uver dogs out of the way lmfao 1all now buddy lol ;-)
  13. Do u hav 2 pay 4 baby's 2 get in as my [bANNED TEXT] got 2 kids that r 3 an under
  14. i'll be seeing you all there love this show with lots of great people an always a good turn out
  15. how did it tast mate. you just need to learn to catch them your self now lmao
  16. i fish there in the summer a lot for the bass iv only had to small eye rays down there. fish the tide in and if your fishing off the beach dont be shy to walk in the water wast deep so you no you are casting in 2 deep water alb w.p
  17. tidey stuff yea iim up 4 that mate mick is doin well just got 2 get him out on some bunnys 2 get him fit agen?

  18. Yea all is well mate you have a good xmas an new year. I ent dun much this winter mate. You been out much wat dogs you running now mate?

  19. Chuck a few naughts on the end n he's yours lol An we will have 2 get out an terrorise all the wild life lmao

  20. not yet mate mite go for a hour just be for dark it fishis well arond here at tha time we had 3 the uver day in half hour the biggest was 7lb
  21. lmfao nice 1 topnotch have youe been out on them yet
  22. i hope your catching them perch from the place you intend to fish for pike cos it sounds like you are transporting fish to me and we all know the consequences of that dont we i hope your taking the piss there mate!! like we dont catch fox and deer and hare! Perch are a perfectly good bait for pike... Try to use the predominant species in the water you are fishing for the pike... i have had instances where i have had deadbiat perch out on waters were they have never been touched... Yet roach(which abund in the water) go everytime mate... this doesnt apply to al
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