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welsh power

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Everything posted by welsh power

  1. Iv'e got 1 here but the new pup is in it an he's a bit big 4 it cheers 4 that though buddy
  2. Hi all my dog is 5 year old an never lived in the house. But 2 day I've left home an got my own place but its a ground floor flat but no garden with it so got the dog in side now. But he won't stop pissing I've put paper down the lot but he just goes where he wants any ideas will be appreciated
  3. Dont get rid of that brindel 1 mate he is goin 2 be just like is dad get your run up an run an hold on 2 him I would of had him but I no when his jcubs drop I'm going 2 wake up 2 a blood bath lol
  4. :laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=we9_CdNPuJg lmfao Funny as f**k to watch . . . . but really quite sad!
  5. I tried on my phone and it won't let me because the pic's are 2 big tried 2 crop them on it 2 but still 2 big best use a pc buddy
  6. Hay buddy I'll be over 1 day this week 2 pick 1 of them pups
  7. Two Irishmen looking through mail order catalogue. Paddy says "Look at those gorgeous women! The prices are reasonable too." Mick agrees! "I am ordering one of them right now." 3 weeks later, Paddy says to Mick "Has your woman turned up yet ?" "No" said Mick "but it shouldn't be long now. Her clothes arrived yesterday
  8. WOMENS LONELY HEARTS ADS What they really mean: ADVENTUROUS = Slut ATHLETIC = No tits 30 SOMETHING = 41 FUN = Annoying WILD = Gets pissed easily BEAUTIFUL EYES = Face like a robber's dog SEEKS KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR = Ex-Husbands a f*****g nutter NEW-AGE = Hairy with a smelly fanny HEADSTRONG = Argumentative ENJOYS PUBBING & CLUBBING = Alcoholic CURVY = Fat c**t CUDDLY = Fat c**t LIKES EATING OUT = Greedy fat c**t LIKES NIGHTS IN = Lazy fat c**t
  9. Your inbox is full buddy. How you feeling now buddy

  10. You've picked what blood line you won't. But what do you look for when picking your pup out of the litter?
  11. Mick/jess/mo/jack/Charlie an my new pup is going 2 be called seeker
  12. Get some fresh pics up buddy so I can see if I won't that blue 1 or the big fella lol
  13. Dont know 2 be honest buddy sounded good cool 2 say Lmao
  14. I got 2 stay in this Shit hole going down in the morning though what you been up 2 mate
  15. Well said its a bit of mud we walk through more Shit when lamping or digging lol
  16. Sir is 1/4 bull gray back 2 3/4 wheatan gray 26 1/2 tts
  17. im not 2 fust on the bull my self but thers only a dab in him hes more gray an wheaten in him than bull but i like my dh more so im glad 2 hav some in the new blood 2 work with come next seasen
  18. some nice dogs you have there buddy gotta love dh x my deer/g bed/g 24 1/2tts she 12 half now she was a good dog back in her days. but i just put my bull/g wheat/g over my mates dh x 3 weeks an i will be hav 1 an cant wait alb with them wp
  19. Cheers buddy don't no what my mate is sticking in them but they look like they are on roids lol
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