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Everything posted by nakednutt

  1. buy one of the cheap trickle chargers. the likes of argos and at should do them for keeping motorbike batterys topped up.
  2. pups certainly a nice stamp. shame about the jeremy kyle stuff.
  3. I find that hard to believe.Can you explain why it's his fault the hunt is no longer in existence? pm if preferred
  4. any bull in it jimmy its looking well mate. i seen one from that litter last week but it aint as big as your pup.
  5. your not far wrong but that was not the huntsmans fault it was the tit that owned them. I once seen a fox cross back into a small plantation behind the hounds and the master told me not to bother about it as they cant get in with the horses. so much for pest control.
  6. most heavy rubber hose will do as the pipe will lose most of the heat before it gets to the rubber. thats why you make it a long piece of pipe.
  7. Keep an eye on E-bay. Mate's father bought this one from there, never used it so sold it to me. where is it?
  8. the ones ive made have been metal tubing welded on to the exhaust and just a good thick rubber hose attached with a jubilee clip. copper might bend easier than steel if it gets a good knock. but ive never tried it myself
  9. if im right in thinking the fawn one that went to wullies mate will be wee s's fae the port. he gave it many a chance but said he didnt rate it at all.
  10. happy birthday tess x

  11. are you the lad that gives the good gammies?

  12. can you please refrain from sending me nude pics of yourself and your new lakie!!!

  13. take the back legs off the rabbit. and fry in butter with some chopped garlic. tasty and simple
  14. ive heard gordon likes interfering with little boys

  15. how much to post it to uganda?
  16. lord blue looks well tote
  17. £120 odds from optic warehouse
  18. what price is it in there?
  19. in al fairness to foxyjon you never sent the right amount of nets and also they were of shit quality,
  20. you can top batterys back up with tap water but i mean theyve ran the battery too long and knackered it. something to do with memory. someone will explain better
  21. should make very handy pups. ive seen the sire run a good few times
  22. use will probably find out you drained the battery too much and thatrs why it wont take a charge
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