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Everything posted by BazB

  1. lurcher put ate the turkey i'd just cooked for dinner, turned my back for a minute to deal with my daughter and the f*cker had it on the floor and chomping away

    1. PIL


      Just wipe the saliva off and get stuck in .lol

    2. chris k

      chris k

      you wasnt going to eat the whole turkey was ya? share and share alike mate ;)


    3. BazB


      it was only a small bit of rolled turkey enough for me, the missus and kids. or 1 lurcher ha ha ha

  2. lurcher put ate th

  3. i got given a jill friday nite, i thought it was a kit at first coz its a small one, and she's a smart bitter. wont bite me knuckles but lunges over the top at the soft part of my wrist. she's not daft and nasty with it. im having her out in the next couple of days to see if she works
  4. i just want firm ground, sick of coming back covered in mud and enough cold to kill the nettles, and hopefuuly the ticks aswell ATB Baz
  5. looking good mate, ive had my pup out for a mooch not long ago. but just had 2 weeks away so i'll be getting him out to play for the next 2 weeks so maybe stick a few picks up of your pups litter mate so you can see the difference in them Baz
  6. Have you got a hose? no, but i'll be needing one i think
  7. im thinking of building a kennel and run outside, but how do you break them to living out doors, if i let him outside and close the door, he'll howls after about 10 minutes if i forget to let him back in. the neighbours would be complaining in no time with my hound howling all the time ATB Baz
  8. having recently gotten a lurcher the missus talked me into keeping him indoors. but i would of prefered to keep him outdoors, she has 2 little cavaliers and i want him away from the soft little things. does anybody else keep there lurchers in the house and how does it work out for them? ive hopefully added a pic of him not sure if it'll work, i currently walk him with a harness on because when he see's people or dogs he jumps all over
  9. same idea as above i now see
  10. i work away aswell mate nowt worse than trying to get the missus to do something whilst your away worrying. could she maybe put a bit of tarpaulin over it as a temp fix? best idea ive got ATB Baz
  11. i'll be there this year, how much is the entry?
  12. i wouldnt mind a look at these mate Baz many a yer pups booked mate?? might know a guy
  13. the bairn found a jill in the street, she is dumb as a post and had a few medical problems when she went to the vet, so ended up getting her spade whilst she had surgery.big mistake she's a great work, better than my other jill by a country mile!!! and my hobs only done his first season but isnt too bad so far.needless to say im not having kits so im on the prowl for a couple extra jills soon.i will drive a to most places to get what i want, but if i can get there and back in a day i dont think i would do it atb Barry
  14. i dont have a dog at the minute, but my neighbours got a cracking working strain of border collie, came straight off the farm (her mam and dad's) and is a 4th gen that they've bred and they still have the parents.would he be any good on rabbits do you think? or too slow? i give them the odd rabbit for his dinner and they keep hinting i could take him out ferreting so im just curious
  15. well ive no idea whats up with it, but i'd take it to the vet asap.mine was ill before xmas she had a chest infection.it was bad timing as i had a wedding away from home so had to leave it in for 2 nights.cost me £100, for a ferret that cost me a 5er!!!
  16. thats a great offer.if i'd seen it earlier in the day i would of been up for it.have a good day lads Barry
  17. ive heard they went bust.but on the ebay theres a guy selling brand new boxes with d and d timber logo's on them.ive got one of his boxes but theres a guy selling them on here i'm going to try next time i need a new box edited to say there ferret boxes
  18. i carry a small roughneck shovel. its great for shallow sandy digs, but after a big 10-12ft dig the other day im going to get a bigger one probly one of those bulldog ones.When i go out i carry bag with all my kit in it, a game bag in there and a ferret box with a couple of ferts in there barry
  19. when i was 17 i couldnt afford a car.but my little brother recently passed his test and cost my mam £3500 to insure a little matiz.so good luck with whatever you get because it'll cost you a fortune to run
  20. he still sells them on ebay even tho he's bust, if you really want one have a look about
  21. glad to hear it.the wording had me a bit boggled thanks Barry
  22. ive had a read on there, but am a little unsure, can i kill then once ive caught them? if i cant there isnt really any point.the problem will still the there
  23. hi lads i have loads of crows round my way.and was wondering if its legal and easy to use a larson trap to catch them in my smallish garden.i havnt got a trap, but if it helps my problem im willing to buy one or make one. cheers for the help Barry
  24. ha ha ha, i was honestly waiting for the ginger flash to appear that the dog was chasing.its a wind up, got to be! Barry
  25. ive got a mk3 its my first one ever.and im rather happy with it
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