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Everything posted by BazB

  1. just read this and you reminded me to order some.theres 10 on here but works out at about 70p each so its a bargain in my mind and should last a while http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-x-394-High-quality-Rayovac-batteries-SR936SW-/380529980928?pt=UK_Jewellery_Watches_WatchAccessories_SpareParts_SM&hash=item58995ab600 hope this helps atb Baz
  2. ive got 2 albino's. one's only a kit, the other my prize worker. the bairn found her in the street 3 years ago lol i'll try and take a few pics of her next time im out and about nice pics by the brimmer atb Baz
  3. depends on the type of hole for me. if the holes just on the surface with no run in i just spread it around the hole. if not i do it the other way ATB Baz
  4. that would be great for me mate. i work offshore 2 on 2 off and im about to go back at the weekend(the missus watches them whilst im away). i'd love one but reddawn brought your ferrets to my attention so if he dont want it i'll defo have it mate
  5. i'd still be interested in that medium sized poley, ive heard you've got good ferrets. if only you where closer.......ha ha ha i dont mind a drive for good working stock. just need to check with reddawn and see if he's sitting in with me. edited to add i think he's interested in one aswell
  6. i could fancy one of the smaller ones mate, has anybody called dibs on them?
  7. buy yourself a book mate, you can get them off ebay or amazon they'll tell you everything you need to know. but veg and fruit are off the menu, im also pretty sure ferret are lactose intolerent so no milk either. basically meat or complete ferret food
  8. BB no I have nt made any with a cubby hole BUT can make one for you Y.I.S Leeview i mite have to take you up on that after xmas mate ATB baz
  9. 5 days maybe, i only stuck my head in the door when don was seeing to them I take it they on the ground already? How old are they?
  10. i think them pups have got all the right stuff in them, couple merle's look stunning aswell. my lass said no as soon as i mentioned then lol
  11. i know mate, couldnt fit it in my cage its too big, so needed a court for it, weather been crap for doing stuff in the garden for laying a base paid someone in the end it'll all be sorted by end of tommorrow tho. i like your box by the way nice and well built as i'd expect, i mite have to get a double off you after xmas as i dont really like the one ive got.do you do the box's with a little cubby hole underneath for odds and sods? or am i thinking of someone else? (edited my banned text out)
  12. ive got one of those wheel, had it for ages now, but ive been dragging my heels on getting a court built to put the things in, it'll be done on monday tho baz
  13. he was smiling after that atb baz
  14. ive finally managed to uploads these photo's was a good day despite the cold atb Baz
  15. nice thread, i'd be a total novice at his but i'll give it a go next time you run this
  16. i have this trouble with one of my jill's mate, its a mk3 collar.i had a 14 ft dig to get the collar last year, and a 4 ft just yesterday. i have to tighten it to last notch to keep it on, 2nd off last and its a gonner atb Baz
  17. great for under hedges mate. not much cop when it comes to digging a deep hole in the open tho
  18. if you get a starter kit of agouti you get enough for 12 nets (i know its spun poly not hemp) so at a guess i'd agree with The one and say 12 edited to say on his page it does say 3' 6" nets tho
  19. looks good, but i can see someone getting hurt on those screws mate ATB Baz
  20. hope all went well and your prize worker is still with you. i had a similar thing happen last year. i took him her to the vets and ended up with a hefty bill after 3 or 4 days. still alive and kicking now. she's more of a pet than a worker even tho iv tried her, if the kids hadnt of named her and formed a bond she would of been a goner by now ATB Baz
  21. cant wait to get home next week, winter should be for hunting not working!!!

  22. im sending my mk3 back to deben, its just over a year old and out of warrenty. they charge 35 quid plus 5.50 postage. its in the post now so hopefully i'll have it back in no time
  23. mine are all locked up, but dont have a lock on my gate, or anything guarding them. they'd take no stealing at all really but my ferrets arnt anything special to be honest, i havnt bred mine into a well known working line, so dont really think anybody would steal them. there going into a court asap and i will be alarming and locking it just to be sure ATB Baz
  24. do a quick search its been talked about alot mate
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