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Posts posted by lindsay

  1. Just thought i would put an up todate photo of my wee beddy/whippet Murphy, he is about 14wks

    He is coming on well, had him doon the shore a few times, just starting to bring things back to hand, think he will be a fast wee lad :whistling:

    what do you think about him?? :hmm:




  2. is that a lanber you are using? iwas out friday nite with my lanber and a mate who was using escort semi,we managed 5 greylegs. am new to this game so was wondering whats the best size of carts to use, my lanber is 1/2 and full choke, :thumbs:

  3. Well mate, been oot a few times wae the stinkys, bags of 6,9,11, and was out last night wae my brother del and the .22, but all the fields are soaking up here, managed to get 4. So whats cooking doon your end much kicking about? been on the charlies lately mate? speak soon :gunsmilie::drink:

  4. just under 6ft, and that was digging through an old airport run way, got the ferret out but the f***ing collar came of :wallbash: , it took me 20mins to dig and that was by torch light as we shouldnt have been there :whistling: anyway i dug the hole and my wee lad got in it, got the collar though :haha: , cheers lindsay

  5. Mate, we had trouble with our JRT and lakey cross as pups, so bought one of those wee cages and lined it with paper, fair enought they still did a mess in a corner but then we started to leave the door open, so they could wonder onto paper in the kitchen, and they started to use the same area in kitchen ,until they where house trained, didnt take all that long, if you can leave the back door open after you have had in him out at9pm for a bit this way he can wonder in and out .Any chance you can send some photos of your pup as the wife loves these wee dogs, am still looking for one. :drink: cheers lindsay

  6. Does anyone know where i can get parts for my sons airrifle? It is a cheap chinese west lake version,i took it to bits for some reason and had the parts in the shed but it looks like some parts have been binned!! i have the spring and trigger and pins,barrel and stock but thats it.I know its a cheap gun but the wee man likes it, so can anyone help,or has anyone got the same rifle and wish to bin it??for the parts? cheers lindsay :gunsmilie:



    can i be cheeky and ask how much you paid for it new, ive just bought one for £50 year or so old.


    paddy :gunsmilie:

    £60 mate

  7. Does anyone know where i can get parts for my sons airrifle? It is a cheap chinese west lake version,i took it to bits for some reason and had the parts in the shed but it looks like some parts have been binned!! i have the spring and trigger and pins,barrel and stock but thats it.I know its a cheap gun but the wee man likes it, so can anyone help,or has anyone got the same rifle and wish to bin it??for the parts? cheers lindsay :gunsmilie:

  8. Talking of electric fences, i was out the other night with my wee lad after a few rabbits for the ferrets, and we walked straight into a electric fence as we were leaning over a hedge to lamp a stuble field. :icon_eek: Thing was we both stepped back and looked at each other and then leaned back on it , but this time we both got big kicks of it, must say felt sorry for the wee man as the lamp lead was caught up on the hedge and was still touching the electric fence. :haha: Anyway we got a few rabbits and a nice big hare for the pot too :gunsmilie:

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