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coursing man

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Everything posted by coursing man

  1. The first bitch pup sold is doing very well on lamp the lad text me other day,and traveler that bought last dog rang and said he's coming on well,he said he's very fast,time will tell mate
  2. cheers pal there coming on well mark they look really good a credit to ye. bens sprouting up. very fast for a young pup cheers pal,glad to here it he should have plenty of pace and stamina,do u think you'll let him have a run at end of season or u going to wait till next year mark will ye give your own a run out at end of season? hows the other pups outta the litter getting on? I'm going to give the bitch a run with with luke end of February but the dog pup is not ready yet so next season for him
  3. cheers pal there coming on well mark they look really good a credit to ye. bens sprouting up. very fast for a young pup cheers pal,glad to here it he should have plenty of pace and stamina,do u think you'll let him have a run at end of season or u going to wait till next year
  4. Couple of pics john of litter brother and sister to ur pup mate.
  5. my too pups want to now at 7 month but i knw there not ready yet,they may look good on the outside but on the inside there still pups and not developed fully
  6. i normaly start bitches of at about 12-13 month dogs from 15-18 month all depending on how they mature,so start them as early has 7 month witch i think is too young,whats your opinions.try keep the answers sensible lads,cheers mark
  7. Does anyone remember these cartridges,think there Russian were around in the 80's,my dad used them on geese he says they were the best for the job,still as a box left.if you've used them what are your opinions on them
  8. best sinario is give the dog to someone who knows what they are doin & when your firearm ban is up shoot your self & do canine kind a big favour. mind you if your shootin skills are owt like your dog skills you'd probabley miss this must be why good dog men say this site is total shite and it because of prices coming out with comments like this !!! what has prices got to do wi owt lol aye but if the price is right let look at the facts he took an unfit dog ran it for 4 minutes now lets say it averaged 30 mph wich is a speed a fit collie can easy obtain it would have run 2 miles
  9. best sinario is give the dog to someone who knows what they are doin & when your firearm ban is up shoot your self & do canine kind a big favour. mind you if your shootin skills are owt like your dog skills you'd probabley miss this must be why good dog men say this site is total shite and it because of prices coming out with comments like this !!!
  10. ive heard alot about ur dogs sire mate and from what i hear u wont find many better,ive got a dog my self out of lucky/deacon lines and hes done me well but i ran him other day to get him a few under his blt ready for winter hes fit but not hare fit so when he run his first hare he ran for 2/3 mins came back saw another ran that for same time but lost ground on it when going through cover so pulled up.i dont consider that a jacker just a clever dog.give him time pal
  11. does ur dog herd or is he a pusher wheen running
  12. to say he's only 5 and half month old john he's a strong looking dog,a real credit to you pal.
  13. lol iv a feeling you know lol. lurcher to lurcher saluki cross with a touch of whippet you left out sausage dog who da f**k breed that. i bred the dog mate and hes only 5 and a half month old,hes sire is out of tina (daughter of lucky) x fred holmes bill dog and dam is out of del's luke x kenny halls old stuff,this is a pic of the pups sire. this is his dam
  14. lol iv a feeling you know lol. lurcher to lurcher saluki cross with a touch of whippet you left out sausage dog who da f**k breed that. i bred the dog mate and hes only 5 and a half month old,hes sire is out of tina (daughter of lucky) x fred holmes bill dog and dam is out of del's luke x kenny halls old stuff,this is a pic of the pups sire.
  15. all vets do is use introsite jel,it keeps the wound wet so it heels inside out rather that scabbing over.its quicker and heels stronger.and antbiotics.
  16. My old dog dislocated his outside rear right toe in a puppy stake years ago,took him to Desi Fagan in Milton Keynes,[ now in Aussie]. he said two options amputation ,or try blistering the toe, and applying radial,as the dog was only a puppy I went for the second option it was a success.Dogs will run ok without a toe ,but I would investifgate alternatives first.ATB. blistering is mainly for a knocked up toe and needs to be used straight away.bone radial done work on a dislocated toe but it also needs complete rest.
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