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About billy_wizz

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    leic eng

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  1. Im about to change the poles in my longnet i found the spacing to be a bit to far apart so am going to close them up a bit but was wondering what pole spacings people have found to be the most convenient for them!
  2. Thanks guys a few good pics and ideas! They do seam to offer alot if of potential if the mix comes out right! I think i might try to find one in a couple of years when im ready for a new pup although i think the trouble will be finding one let alone one with good breading!
  3. Hi there my trigger unit seams to have a lose spring in the middle! can anyone tell me how easy it will be to strip it down to check? its off a falcon fn19 about 10 years old theres 3 pins through the body but im not sure how fiddly it will be to get it all back together?
  4. yes .177 was wondering if anyone who has a gun that likes heavyer pellets and experience with pellets that have become available in the last few years>
  5. Hi there ive just got back into air rifle shooting after 4-5 years out and found barracuda match pellets where best for my barrel followed by crossman premier's the heavyer of the two but i was wondering if there where any new 1.77 pellets that i should try against the old faverates for even better accuracy? thanks in advance
  6. good its about time the games moved on and wilkinson hasn't!
  7. yes you can mate! but you might need a good plumber! Mines going to run mine in tandom with a combi boiler for the rads! and my dads got one that runs a 6 bed bugalow but its a monster will have enough water for a bath in 25-30 mins from cold
  8. So your ANIMAL is more important than some poor farmers ANIMAL! so your saying if someone Else's dog gets in your garden and rips your dog apart you wouldn't shoot it if you could? do you realize how much of a prick you make yourself sound like?
  9. most nights one of my dogs sleaps on top of his box!
  10. no one? i mean for not getting in a mess when in use rather than actully carrying it!
  11. try opening the window if the draw improves the air is not circulating properly and an air brick might be needed in the wall of the room to improve the air flow! as for the chimny hieght if there has been new houses built in the area it can affect the airflow over the chimny i know someone who had houses built round him and the air started to come down his chimny had it made 3-4 ft higher and sortet it out but it would need an expert to check if that was the case its rare but does happen
  12. Is the fire output over 5 kw? If so do you have an air brick in the room? also as daft as it sounds is your chimny tall enough?
  13. Hi there my fiance has offered to buy me a couple of quickset longnets for my birthday! they will mostly be used for ferreting but i was wondering what is the best netting weight for ease of use?
  14. Hi there could anyone suggest a good vet for lurchers in the Leicestershire area? thanks in advance for all help given
  15. not diffacult Labour couldnt run a corner shop let alone the country!
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