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About fishkeeper

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    Rookie Hunter
  1. Go get him Derek, and make him pay for all the agro he has caused keep up the good work. Fishkeeper
  2. After watching that it makes me sick to think that an organisation like the RSPCA and Defra could allow such things to happen to such a lovely creature as the Golden Eagle. Its about time these people were made to be held responsable for what they do. It makes me vow that i will never ever support such people in the future, and if they want to know why i will sharp tell them. Go on Derek take them to book and give them what they deserve as in my eyes they want castrating with a blunt knife. Fishkeeper
  3. Well it is a genuine petition and I should have read it before ticking the box to advance the petition however my petitions were repeatedly turn down as being too controversial so I did not expect the petition to go through so I did not proof read it. Even the one you see had to be changed many times to tone it down. Hi thats fine but in my eyes they need sorting out these people as it sounds like they are all corrupt. fishman
  4. If this is the case it needs Derek to validate it, where are you Derek please answer our questions. fishman
  5. Well said bhawk i wholely agree with what you say . fishkeeper
  6. Hi did not know they had a Bird of Prey centre, its years since i was there in fact it was when they first opened when my daughter was a nipper she is 40 in November. Do you have to pay the full admission to go and see the Birds or is it in a separate part. Nice pics by the way what camera have you.Fishkeeper
  7. I would have shot the dog if it was killing any of my stock, never mind it being the keepers dog. What would happen if it was savageing a young child would you stand by and let it. Fishkeeper
  8. I did not know him but please offer my thoughts to his family and friends he will be missed. RIP. Fishkeeper
  9. They will never be forgotten RIP all those that lost there lives on that day. Fishkeeper
  10. Well you ask anyone who has been raided for birds why did they get search warrant on their homes and you will not get many if any answers. There cogently needs be an independent inquiry in to the last 30 years of the RSPB controlling the police. Well in my eyes there are more bent police than straight ones, and if he was in the force himself he will know all the ropes so to speak. What it needs is a newspaper like the Daily Mail to investigate this Guy Shorrock and i am sure they would dig around and find something to pin on him and make it stick. Fishkeeper
  11. Hi if this Guy Shorrock fella has a hidden agenda why has the police not done anything about it as it seems to me he his trying to hide a lot of things by reading this thread. Surely in this day and age they cant just take the word of a fella like this and issue warrants willy nilly without certain proof. Fishkeeper
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