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Everything posted by TopDown

  1. Went out tonight on a new permission - it's a PYO fruit farm. Pigeons in the beans, raspberries, everywhere. Clever pigeons though so will sort them later. The bunnies are my problem. I have found where they like. The trouble is the ground - think of a square like a window with a cross in the middle. The top and left side of the cross are a public footpath the right side goes onto open ground and the bottom edges another crop. So far so simple. The cross in the middle are natural paths. The issue is the ground. If you cut a cross section it would look like an M. It goes up and down twice with
  2. Have you still got this for sale?
  3. Work, work, er work and um work. It's a wonder I have the time for the internet. I'm all for abolishing work. Who is with me?
  4. Your best bet is to give their non-emergency number a call when you go to your permission. Tell them where you are and what you are shooting. Let them know when you are done and I wouldn't think you will have any kind of issue. If someone calls saying they can hear shooting they'll hold off on the armed lads.
  5. Thanks I was a bit worried about it - my first permission is a fruit/veg/pick your own farm. I can't imagine them being pleased if I left a mound of guts behind. Will it go overnight or do I just need to make sure they are tucked in a hedgerow?
  6. As a complete novice I find myself wondering about the bit after the bunnies and pigeons have been shot. Where do you gut the rabbits? What to do with the guts? What do you do with pigeons? Any help gratefully taken on board.
  7. I am new to shooting live quarry. The technique you used for gutting the rabbit - how successful is that and did it require you to cut the rabbit at all? Thanks
  8. Hi all I am new to this site. I have been shooting airgun for a couple of years. I'm looking to move onto pest control and shotgun. Had a dabble with muzzle loaders at the country fair today so have been giving it a think. Aaron
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