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Everything posted by squibbs

  1. if you read his post again he has someone who will dispatch it for him Indeed! I am in very rural Somerset. The Mrs isnt to keen on guns, nor am I really - though I expect I am more dangerous with my chainsaw than I will be with a gun The fox has dug up a chicken we didnt find and left it on the lawn which wasnt too nice for the daughter to find. I think I shall go for snares first as I am sure I know where they are running through. I've read the article on the DEFRA website about boiling the snares in washing powder and then with bark and tea bags - is this actually helpful
  2. Hi all, Rather new to this but our local fox(es) have been paying us daytime visits and have killed half our chickens. Probably didnt help that we had our 4 week old chicks out off heat and they were cheeping away. I'd be keen to do something to reduce the foxes inpact - lamping and shooting is out - no gun, no experience, snaring seems possible but again I am not experienced which leaves live trapping. There seems to be a lot of options for live capture - presumably size wise go for the biggest - but which model? I liked the look of foxtrap (underwoods) stuff until I read more about h
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