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Everything posted by AMADORE

  1. Did'nt reply last night cos i went to bed (ran out of cider, lol) Always interested to hear about terrier history, not interested if it involves slagging people though. Not saying that you would do that pal. Foxfan after a lot of thought ive decided i cant risk offending my friends,afterall if they wanted publicity they could write a book[wish they would]when i speak to the man involved i will ask if he would be ok with a basic version of events being told. For now all i can say is,the original dogs Plummer brought up north were a mix of unknown breeding,definatly Russell t
  2. Surely not an improvement and away of eradicting dimorphism.
  3. I new JK long before his latest invasion and his endeavour to gain respect amongst some foolish enough to listen ( I did for awhile but soon realised he was on a mission!)..and popularity in fact it was he who judged the Lancaster show which was filmed and sent to DBp. Who then made up his mind to as i say have yet another dabble at playing God. Friend ..nope acquaintance yes may be for him, however he thought DBp was the master and was hudwinked into useing his bull bitch ...shame for him, well both actualy.
  4. Did'nt reply last night cos i went to bed (ran out of cider, lol) Always interested to hear about terrier history, not interested if it involves slagging people though. Not saying that you would do that pal. Foxfan after a lot of thought ive decided i cant risk offending my friends,afterall if they wanted publicity they could write a book[wish they would]when i speak to the man involved i will ask if he would be ok with a basic version of events being told. For now all i can say is,the original dogs Plummer brought up north were a mix of unknown breeding,definatly Russell t
  5. IMO. 1 Plummer terriers are ridiculed thanks to DBP.being openly disrespectful for the past 20 years ..to those owners of other breeds. 2 The % of failed earth working Plummers would be the same as any other breed, of working terrier, if we looked at the statistics considering the numerical numbers of plummers 1000 since 1994 not a lot !..compared to all the other breeds. 3 I have owned, bred, entered and trained earth working plummer terriers both pre ban and "now" .some of my "now stock " work in ireland, where it is easier to find and work quarry but is actualy a harder enviroment to
  6. Well its no secret there are some good plummers in ireland.and yes joiners too . As has been said before its the name thats the problem.
  7. IMO. 1 Plummer terriers are ridiculed thanks to DBP.being openly disrespectful for the past 20 years ..to those owners of other breeds. 2 The % of failed earth working Plummers would be the same as any other breed, of working terrier, if we looked at the statistics considering the numerical numbers of plummers 1000 since 1994 not a lot !..compared to all the other breeds. 3 I have owned, bred, entered and trained earth working plummer terriers both pre ban and "now" .some of my "now stock " work in ireland, where it is easier to find and work quarry but is actualy a harder enviroment to
  8. IMO. 1 Plummer terriers are ridiculed thanks to DBP.being openly disrespectful for the past 20 years ..to those owners of other breeds. 2 The % of failed earth working Plummers would be the same as any other breed, of working terrier, if we looked at the statistics considering the numerical numbers of plummers 1000 since 1994 not a lot !..compared to all the other breeds. 3 I have owned, bred, entered and trained earth working plummer terriers both pre ban and "now" .some of my "now stock " work in ireland, where it is easier to find and work quarry but is actualy a harder enviroment to
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