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    Born Hunter

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  1. nice plummer on the right whats the name and back ground mate?

  2. Glad to hear that Kracken has continued his genes! his sister Harlow has offspring with superb noses. If you do breed try linebreeeding to that Kracken line and you will get some "real" hunters but with bad coats. His sire Luca was given back to me as he was to "hot " and easily found scent and hunted deaf!.. .First time i let Luca have free rein he found a deer scent and shot of within minutes of being let go. Unreal! WYREMEAD LUCA Years ago lamping terriers at rat was my "thing"... nightly(every night!) ,,have also lamped foxes with a pack of 6 plummers along the banks of
  3. I lay claim to the first wyremead madison a bitch sister to wyremead luca. Against the wind ranch has few and are looking to import a new stud .As the geens overt there are throwing all tris etc.
  4. But the genes get spread about Sonatal Spangle was bred specificly.For her genes, to be spread about. Her dam Gaffel was also bred specificly "for the breed" not for work, for the breed to breed a future stud..and guess what we got one or two actualy. I was after a bitch from her to my dog cerby and geuss what BBB I got one called Silas and she eventualy went on to produce a grandson called Wyremead Ozi (you now BBB the one you call thing!) and geuss what he now has grandsons to! So Spangle was one of the best "things" that the breed has had! i belive her genes are in the IOM to! a
  5. Shows that a "passed around terrier" can settle into a working life ...some people will never have a good terrier and pass them on as trash some even shoot them!, or loose them ..these cowards dare'nt face their mates with such terriers..excuses abound!..nice one you 2 for the work put into oz.
  6. Yes trisha i remmeber Bri using Dotty Patch and Gram's offspring in some of his line do they come from them?
  7. Wyremead Quazar as mentioned tiny little thing no BIG jaw power but killed many many rats.Was eneterd to rat on the video "hes out ratting" by BY JED A. These photos wewre after a ratting trip, ragengill Proteus after the same trip, his eyes closed up soon after this picture..which was not uncomman for the rats at issac spencers were "big and bold"
  8. Glad to hear that Kracken has continued his genes! his sister Harlow has offspring with superb noses. If you do breed try linebreeeding to that Kracken line and you will get some "real" hunters but with bad coats. His sire Luca was given back to me as he was to "hot " and easily found scent and hunted deaf!.. .First time i let Luca have free rein he found a deer scent and shot of within minutes of being let go. Unreal! WYREMEAD LUCA Years ago lamping terriers at rat was my "thing"... nightly(every night!) ,,have also lamped foxes with a pack of 6 plummers along the banks of
  9. Cheers kev nice to see how they grow when they leave here.
  10. Hi kev glad hes doing you some good! any more pics mate. didint know you were on here!!..regards glenn
  11. Have a butchers at this http://www.cocothebloggingdog.com/2009/06/which-dog-breed-has-strongest-jaw.html From wiki.. Cross bred dogs (first generation crosses from two purebred dogs, also called dog hybrids) are not breeds and are not considered purebred, although crossbreds from the same two breeds of purebreds can have "identical qualities", similar to what would be expected from breeding two purebreds, but with more genetic variation. However, crossbreds do not breed true (meaning that progeny will show consistent, replicable and predictable characteristics), and can only be reproduced
  12. Plummers especially the bitches have a reputation of being weak jawed the lower jaws on many are weak but then they are still capable of killing rats. But hard bites from earth quarry like foxes are going to test the best strong jawed dogs. There are few Plummer studs that produce good strong jaws and strong conformed bitches consistently . Bull blood...The last bull terrier outcross "Hayley" failed to produce anything different to what is and was about proving alot...the heads and back ends were no different chests and temperament yes..but strength of jaw nope. This Milo seems a
  13. I had a dog bred from mathew's san called "Q" out of plummers bealtane 2 (deimos x virago) BOTH NONE WORKERS and that was tiny 10INCH bitch had a small face and weak muzzle (due to virago) worked fox like the best terriers and killed rats as good as anything. Any plummer enterd well should kill rats easily thats down to the way its been eneterd. Nothing to do with jaw power. As for working something bigger Plummeres are not ment to be "drawing terriers" they are for bolting foxes and this litte bitch I had did that well. Skull size and bottom mandible are inherited differntly, thats w
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