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Everything posted by Taffybull

  1. every mans difrent, but i belive if the dogs goin to do it, itl do it from the word go. i,ve started dogs from 10-13 month single handed.
  2. genuine question hear, So do poeple really think that by running dogs doubled, that the dogs that are doubled are less ov a dog then if it was to be used single handed? get a grip lads, dogs are run doubled simple fact ov you wil have a higher catch rate. 2 dogs SLIPED got more chance ov catching, then a dog run solo. when 1 dog over runs a bend, thers allways a second dog that will(most ov the time) stick on the quarry. wher as if it wer running solo, it would have alot ov ground to make up by its self.
  3. very handy cross, if bred correct id go for it mate.
  4. i agree with joe. ok granted they aint decent deer dogs but in all fairness, on the fox side ov things they do well to get 6,s and 7,s. doubled or not thats still some doin. id be up for seeing the wonder dogs ov thl do a bit better
  5. The bitch she is out of was also owned by reece... cain to a half x bitch atb stabba topper, certenly got the breeding behind her.
  6. belta her mate, do you kno what bitch shes is owt ov mate?
  7. any one got pics ov some genuine breed dogs from billy,stan ect.
  8. here you go sean, some more oldies for you. and a pic of bud, i think it was the day before you picked him up.
  9. that black bitch called jet? heard it was a bullgreyhound bought in brecon
  10. mine and my lamping partners pups, bred by myself. 11months old today. my dog pup,27tts 71lb my mates bitch pup,24tts 48lb
  11. 2 more pups from my litter, pup on the right is the bitch that died. sad loss, what a cracker she was turning owt to be aswell.
  12. cheers mate, the ones we kept hear have all had a taster, and done well on what they bin shown so far. next season cant come quick enough i tell ya! one the bitches,, Lex died not long back, dont kno if i told you or not, i cant remember?
  13. some more pups from the litter, my pals bitches
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