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Everything posted by Taffybull

  1. cracking lad, knows his dogs.. does more then most dream to do.

  2. alb with her chris, looks a nice stamp of bitch.
  3. stunning pups mate, if i wasnt breeding a litter my self soon, id be coming up for that pup on the right with long white sox! alb pal
  4. i personaly like bitches for rabbiting,hares ect but for bigger quarry id opt for a dog. not saying dogs are better on larger quarry just my personal prefrance
  5. great pics ray bryn looks suprb
  6. thats fine pal, i didnt ask if you liked them or not.what do you run?
  7. hes doing well also mate, fair play ive had great reports off all the lads who got pups from the litter. not bin out for a while now pal due to the snow, but just before the snow fell,last outing my pup retrived a long ear and the bitch had 2/2.
  8. glad their well mate he was a dog pup pal, and a mates got him now.
  9. cheers buddy hows your don and swift coming on? seen pics of them not long back, looking superb now!
  10. sure is pal, it'll be more then worth the wait im sure keep me posted on how he does mate, be nice to see how hes doing
  11. cheers pal, shes my pride and joy.
  12. lovley dog mate, hows it bred?
  13. i aint got it no more mate. just got the running dogs now
  14. cheers mate whats the crack with your pup mate? just seen that your having a bit of trouble? drop us a pm if you like mate, see if i can help out in any way.
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