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Everything posted by sharp_shooter_sam

  1. WOLVERINE817....2/8s whippet... thats a quarter then lol

  2. MK1 ferret finder for sale, with about 6 fox nets. Selling this for a mate so PM me an I will send you his details. He wants £ for it all Collection only from Burton on trent.
  3. As is 6.5x55 swede. Lots of choice out there, and everyone you ask will give you a different opinion. I like the .243 because they are versatile, but when I get a deer calibre, it will be the humble swede as it is just too much for fox alone
  4. I looked at the quad, and personally didnt like it. Would be a good choice if I had .17 and .22lr. My choice would be with the CZ, fantastic quality guns, and definitely a good buy
  5. I've got an american and it shoots el cheapo remington subsonics better than anything. I tried eleys, but it looked like I had pattern tested my shotgun
  6. They are utter shit!!! Never had one go more than 20 yards when I had my air rifle. They do look the bollocks though. All the best, SSS
  7. I would rather shoot them now than let them get big, they're still foxes at the end of the day!
  8. Seen a few out. I went to check my cage trap yesterday and caught a vixen and 2 cubs going into it! b*****d! wrong time to check the trap, they amde a hasty retreat into the 4 ft deep rape and havn't been seen since. All the best, SSS
  9. I havnt been on here for a while, and I must admit, I dont like the new layout!

  10. Wont .22-250 be a bit...much for muntjac? Im talking meat damage Cant see why it wont be safe to use .22-250 but .243 is fine?
  11. I'm with flytie on this, O/U or SxS, but your O/U will be a bit better for clays. All the best, Sam
  12. A bit over my budget but can I see some pics please?
  13. the dog is provisionally given to David-456. Thanks for the interest anyway lads, will let you know if its back up for sale but I have a big list of people who are interested
  14. 6 month patterdale lakeland bitch, free to good working home, outdoor kenneled. From good working stock, very willing. Genuine reason for getting rid of it. PM me for more information and contact details as I am posting this for a mate This is on another forum so you may have seen it
  15. Everything legal of course eh shag!
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