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Everything posted by mattlimb

  1. Hello all Thanks for the comments, very kind Snap Shot; correct about Springers ' ... they go nuts for about 20 mins and settle into the job in hand ...' that is Poppie a seven year old and just slowing down, but she can still have her moment! Do not forget to have a look a the link, especially if you like ferrets.
  2. Pigeon shooting the other week with the Springer. You may also be interested in: http://shootingnews....e-ferrets-.html
  3. Dave C Many thanks for that, will see if I can find a copy and have a look.
  4. Many thnaks for that Anyone else any suggestions? Take a look at this link for more details: http://www.mlbft.co....s/storyone.html
  5. Poacher3161 - There is a Grass family who lived in Derbyshire & Yorkshire who were gamekeepers, are they the ones? Any help with them would be most welcome; they are a distant relative and the place this quest startred - Regards
  6. Mudman - Just back from the Highlands, give me a day or so to ferret through my notes and I will see if I can find the web site; but sounds just the type of bunker they used Where in Yorkshire are you?
  7. PlasticJock - I have picked that one up, not only in Scotland with the stalkers and keepers but even young fit farm lads that knew the ground; hidden underground bunkers were built for them from where they were to come out, and as you say, wreak havoc - life expectance measured in days rather than weeks or years! There is a website dedicated to them and the surviving bunkers, but cannot find it at the moment
  8. Bosun11 and Bobba_fett Many thnaks for the leads, both new and will be followed up
  9. tegater Yes Lovat Scouts on the list; in fact spending most of next week in The Highlands and on Isle of Skye following up leads and interviews, thanks for the reply
  10. Can you help with history on Gamekeepers and The Great War? Hello, I am doing some work at the moment on gamekeepers, stalkers, gillies, hill shepherds and similar estate workers who answered the call and 'joined up' during the great war. In the first instance it was for my own personal interest but it is fast growing and more plans are afoot. So if you know of anyone who fits the bill above, a relative or great uncle please let me know. Take a look at this link for more details: http://www.mlbft.co....s/storyone.html If you can help either message me direct here or via the web
  11. Hello - May be interested, where are you? I am over near Crewe every so often
  12. Also take a look at http://pubs.myfunforum.org and put a request on the board .......................... all for free!!
  13. Can we 'split' the Fishing Forum? Say into Carp, Trout & Salmon, Fly Fishing and Course Fishing?
  14. Will you be looking for offers again?
  15. OK ... It is Bank Holuiday and I feel generous ... £40.00 plus postage? Cheers for you offer mate but its worth at least double that.Wore jacket once,breaches and waistcoat lnot a lot more. Break my arm £60.00 plus postage ..... £ plus postage and its yours. £ and you pay postage.Cheque dont have paypal You started at £100.00 (first post) .... my guess is it did not sell so you asked for offers At £.00 plus postage it will be ........ £100.00 - not much of an offer Thanks ... but not this time. Did you get the last message?
  16. OK ... It is Bank Holuiday and I feel generous ... £40.00 plus postage? Cheers for you offer mate but its worth at least double that.Wore jacket once,breaches and waistcoat lnot a lot more. Break my arm £60.00 plus postage ..... £ plus postage and its yours. Did you get the last message? £.00 With postage via Paypal ?
  17. OK ... It is Bank Holuiday and I feel generous ... £40.00 plus postage? Cheers for you offer mate but its worth at least double that.Wore jacket once,breaches and waistcoat lnot a lot more. Break my arm £60.00 plus postage ..... £ plus postage and its yours. £.00 With postage via Paypal ?
  18. OK ... It is Bank Holuiday and I feel generous ... £40.00 plus postage? Cheers for you offer mate but its worth at least double that.Wore jacket once,breaches and waistcoat lnot a lot more. Break my arm £60.00 plus postage .....
  19. OK ... It is Bank Holuiday and I feel generous ... £40.00 plus postage?
  20. Offers ...... £25.00 plus postage?
  21. Hi All If I was shooting this I would not use a flash at all. Get the longest (no less than 200mm) lens and the fastest you can buy - shine the lamp on the grass and get a light measurement with the fastest ISO the camera will run then ......... experiment. Matt
  22. Take a look at http://www.nobs.org.uk they can often put you in touch
  23. Still waiting a reply to my voicemail the other day!!
  24. How long is the MOT & Road Tax? May be interested
  25. Without any doubt an evening's fly fishing, on a balmy summers day, catching a brace or two followed by a pint of good real ale is the best it gets anywhere.
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