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Everything posted by nathan*****

  1. bak at ya . how nice , how welcomeing

  2. thanks for the advice guys, im going to my local shop at the weekend and have aranged to try the lightening xl and the Weihrauch HW95 out so those little bunnys better watchout . what pellets would you recomend for hunting ????
  3. Hay hay. I have decided to purchase a new air gun and I need your "expert" opinions im not looking to spend over £200 for it but if it’s worth it I will deeply consider it. I have a b2 and a custom b2 and well… its shit, I hit a pigeon with it and I swear the pellet just bounced off it . Any way im looking to buy something suitable for rabbit and maybe a bit of crow control, I want it accurate and powerful but not a price tag that is over to odds. any advice will be appreciated thanks. Nathan
  4. It might sound a bit wierd but try putting the radio on, it worked with both my staff and staffxpatt .
  5. ------------------------------------------------------------- wow you sound hard . I do boxing, but not like you, I have self control. I also have had a bit of trouble over the years, its to be expected, all you have to do is get them on there own, works every time bullies are cowards and instantly are your best friend wants confronted . and should that fail do the same and get a few of your mates together call his mum a slag and knock seven shades of shit out of him, and you’ll have him crying like a little girl.
  6. nathan*****


    Cant see nout wrong with a smoke if its what you like doing and how you like to relax then fair play kid,, Just i would not advertise the fact you have plants growing ,, or you could find your self a knock on the door from mr pc plod very soon. my house oww erm i mean... a mates house its just amazing how easy it is to get them though, there is a website and you can buy seeds no questions asked!!!
  7. nathan*****


    anyway its a bloddy hunting forum , isnt it ???. wtf :drag: :drag: :drag:
  8. nathan*****


    just to say i dont take coceain i smoke cannabis . and any way im cutting down . i dont steal or do anything like that i have my own plants and when i come home from work shooting whatever , i have a little smoke with my mates and have a laugh. whats wrong with that???
  9. nathan*****


    I only let girls smoke me mate. So unless you're mates have got a sister ............. its amazing how some people can take the piss out of something so serious . i hope you didnt mean it because if you did you are a cold cold person. Yes, I am taking the piss. I f*****g hate druggies, dirty lying sneaky, snidey thieving little twats they are. there really are some heartless f**king wankers on here isnt there . where i come from we have a name for people like you SCUM. Heartless? Yes probably. Scum? You got that wrong dickhead. Not me that li
  10. nathan*****


    I only let girls smoke me mate. So unless you're mates have got a sister ............. its amazing how some people can take the piss out of something so serious . i hope you didnt mean it because if you did you are a cold cold person. Yes, I am taking the piss. I f*****g hate druggies, dirty lying sneaky, snidey thieving little twats they are. there really are some heartless f**king wankers on here isnt there . where i come from we have a name for people like you SCUM.
  11. nathan*****


    yes but when that tongue is behind a addiction you dont really listen to it
  12. nathan*****


    I only let girls smoke me mate. So unless you're mates have got a sister ............. its amazing how some people can take the piss out of something so serious . i hope you didnt mean it because if you did you are a cold cold person.
  13. nathan*****


    I smoke a lot of weed were talking 50-60 a day, and a few of my mates have started on cocaine, weed isn’t that bad and I can go months without smoking it but recently I have finished school, and there’s just fu*ck all to do so I just go around my mate and smoke joints all day, but now they’ve started on the strong stuff im thinking of ditching them. Im not fu**ing my life up for a high .No chance
  14. Alright. Basically. I want to find out what would be the best way to advertise for work in rural pest control. I have permission but there not much going on there so I want to join a partnership or local business .But don’t know what rout to take should I write to local farmers or land owners and what shall I put in the letter?? I live in the south east near Kent. Any advice from someone who knows what he’s talking about would be triffik.
  15. you sound like some one who needs a good :black eye: you know what i mean ???
  16. Listen mate. I wanted to be a gamekeeper, and still do but it’s not just about qualifications you need to be trusted. Do you go to any local shoots on any estates? , do you have a family member who used to be a gamekeeper? Do you have experience of managing land? if no to all of these i would consider going to or writing to a estate near you and asking to tag along with the head gamekeeper for a while . If all else fails then go to collage. But don’t put all your eggs in one basket buddy, there are different careers professional pest controller for example or countryside management. Game k
  17. Im thinking, mainly rural pest control e.g. rabbits, foxes, mink, hares etc. I have experience in using terriers and consider myself a good shot. it just a matter of widening my horizons and making a bit of money on the way. Ive had a looke look around and noticed in my area there is no businesses situated so I think there might be a opportunity there. Well...now I think about it. And I like the fact you think you are some kind of rural messiah: D. anyway I have permission on the farm where my dad works and where I currently live and he himself (the owner) said there is a huge
  18. Im thinking, mainly rural pest control e.g. rabbits, foxes, mink, hares etc. I have experience in using terriers and consider myself a good shot. it just a matter of widening my horizons and making a bit of money on the way. Ive had a looke look around and noticed in my area there is no businesses situated so I think there might be a opportunity there. Well...now I think about it. And I like the fact you think you are some kind of rural messiah: D. anyway I have permission on the farm where my dad works and where I currently live and he himself (the owner) said there is a huge
  19. Im thinking, mainly rural pest control e.g. rabbits, foxes, mink, hares etc. I have experience in using terriers and consider myself a good shot. it just a matter of widening my horizons and making a bit of money on the way. Ive had a looke look around and noticed in my area there is no businesses situated so I think there might be a opportunity there.
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