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Everything posted by poacherslad22

  1. ?????? A engraved plate & rosette for each class winner and rosette for 2nd & 3rd and also a Trophy for Champion along with sporting dog equipment .
  2. Ian, it would be nice if you could have Whippet Pairs, Vetern Whippet, and Overall Champion Whippet at this years show . Whippet people make up quite a sizeable part of the show goers. Also are you having a child handling class. Children of today are the show organisers of tomorrow Hi Margaret We always have had a Overall Champion Whippet at Moira,as regards the Whippet pairs we last had a trophy for this class 3 years ago but stopped putting one on as there was never any pairs appearing in the ring and we have never have done veteran Whippet. But having said that i totally a
  3. Hi We have never had these class's for Whippets,but it is an option will take on board and will consider for our next show . Thanks
  4. A engraved plate & rosette for each class winner and a Trophy for Champion along with sporting dog equipment
  5. I am more than happy to provide an extra trophy & rosette for anyone who wants to attend the racing on the Sunday with their Whippet ,providing there is enough that turns up. But as i have stated Janet's Club is running an event the same day and this is the reason we have not planned for Whippet racing on Sunday.
  6. No straight racing planned for the Whippets,just simulated racing on the Saturday . We will be taking entry's as per usual for the Whippet racing and papers will not be required.
  7. Yes if there's enough Whippets on the day of course we will give them a run,we just did'nt want to tramp on Janet & Co toe's as they have a Whippet event on the same day
  8. No Whippet racing on the Sunday ,the N.I Whippet Club is running an event on Sunday 26th so we decided not to run an event for Whippet's on the same date.
  9. National Country Sports Fair Lurcher,Terrier,Whippet & Strong Dog Events Schedule For Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th May. .Simulated Whippet Racing .Simulated Lurcher Racing (Entry's Taken From 10am to 11am And Racing To Commence At 11.15am SHARP With Whippet Racing 1st) .Lurcher Under 23" & Over 23" High Jump (This Is A First Time Event At Moira And Has'nt Been Held In N.I In Over A Decade) .Lurcher Showing Starts At 1.30 Class's Are As Follows....Judge John Rooney 1.Pups 2.Under 23" Smooth 3.Under 23" Rough 4.Over 23" Smooth 5.Over 23" Smooth 6.Ter
  10. any photo's of these trophies? what is for the simulated coursing? have one ready for it I have no photo's of trophies to post on here Fiona you can get a look at them on the day (that's only 25 sleeps to go lol) And there is a nice engraved plate & some sporting dog equipment for the winner of the simulated,so get Maverick ready for it no doubt he'll be one of the contenders.. Yip...!He is getting too old now to keep up with the younger faster dogs coming along in the straight racing,also he had suffer a few bugged toes and jarred wristed over the working season, so il have a
  11. All full card of events for the weekend 26th & 27th will appear on here soon,but the Saturday is the day with all events taking place except the straight racing which will be on the Sunday. But remember you won't have to pay into the Main Fair any of the days to attend our Lurcher & Terrier events,so both days is a great option for all.
  12. any photo's of these trophies? what is for the simulated coursing? have one ready for it I have no photo's of trophies to post on here Fiona you can get a look at them on the day (that's only 25 sleeps to go lol) And there is a nice engraved plate & some sporting dog equipment for the winner of the simulated,so get Maverick ready for it no doubt he'll be one of the contenders.. Yip...!He is getting too old now to keep up with the younger faster dogs coming along in the straight racing,also he had suffer a few bugged toes and jarred wristed over the working season, so il have a
  13. Good decision regarding Dogs Balls Albert ,it's important to prevent these "post hackers" from disrupting all our good work from promoting our shows..
  14. any photo's of these trophies? what is for the simulated coursing? have one ready for it I have no photo's of trophies to post on here Fiona you can get a look at them on the day (that's only 25 sleeps to go lol) And there is a nice engraved plate & some sporting dog equipment for the winner of the simulated,so get Maverick ready for it no doubt he'll be one of the contenders..
  15. Myself and Justin Hill have been running this event for 13 years now and this "dogs balls" is certainly not involved,so folks can we please resort back to possitive issue's surrounding shows rather than being at each throats !!!!!! I will have a full range of events of the day up on this post soon.. Regards Ian
  16. Albert Don't think i took offence in anyway from your previous post regarding the Lurcher & Terrier events at Moira, Although im well aware of the issue's between yourself and the organisers at Moira, i myself am only interested in supporting the sport in general regardless the venue (after all, isn't that whats it all about) I also look forward to meeting you at some point during the showing season. Regards Ian
  17. AJ The organisers of the National Country Sports Fair at Moira has always give 100% support to the Gilford Club,for example the past few years they have not charged an entry fee for anyone just attending our Lurcher & Terrier Events so you don't have to pay into the main fair if our events is all you are interested in attending ( i have yet to see this option at any other Game Fair ) Also there is always Top Prizes & Trophies at Moira every year and as regards this MILLION pounds investment this is of no relevence to the Gilford Club so i would suggest you contact the
  18. Yes db there wil be at least two jumps in the simulated racing,will you have an entry for the simulated ?
  19. Yes John there will be a class for collie cross on the day,there has'nt been a big turn out of this cross this past number of years . But i would encourage anyone with collie cross Lurchers to bring them on the day to support this class. And also this cross has a very successful history in the high jump event in recent years,so it would be good to see this cross compete against all the modern day cross's like the bull cross in our New High Jump Event
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