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Everything posted by Netmaker

  1. Well the dirty robbing b*****ds paid me a visit last night took two carry box's and four long net baskets and about 9 longnets of different sizes so keep your gear under lock and key and if the scum that robbed me are reading this keep looking over your shoulder because i will come for you
  2. which force deals with your's mine is durham
  3. its a joke that people like yourself and me and a lot of others have to wait so long for for a renewal to go through
  4. I have just received my Sgc and Fac nothing changed and its took 10mths for renewal
  5. Mick Dadd never has and never did repair the box's he sent them to Arthur Somebody think he died a couple of year's back but Mick never repaired them he was the middle man
  6. He is good did mine for me and was reasonable priced
  7. the coin will be 22ct the mount 9ct its worth what you are prepared to take for it £470 from gold4u is an insult if it was mine i would keep it but if you sell you want atleast 1200 for it
  8. as said ebay about 90 quid each
  9. they just pleased to see you mate our labs are like that
  10. I have that trouble with mine and he's 36 ?
  11. Good to see bairn's out ferreting
  12. Mine are feed rabbit [minced in the summer months so i can feed as and when ] or whole in the winter months
  13. The Whippet collars are £40 and greyhound £45 he has plain leather as well that green biothene @ an inch wide was a tenner he makes couples in both leather and biothene to
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