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Everything posted by Netmaker

  1. Just been on the phone to john Hubery he is not having a show at the shop this year. Due to the large number of people who attened the last show he is going to have a dog day show at cattrick race in june[time/date ect to follow] Regards Netmaker
  2. Raby castle 14th/15th august
  3. Get some heavy duty spun ploy makes good nets regards Netmaker
  4. Yes many times I have alot of permission around that area
  5. Rocky4 he offered me a pup also but at the time i had no kennel room same with the monkeys [ferrets]he,s had them from me & me from him thats how like you say it should be, people that slate another man/woman,s animals must have nothing better to do! like you have said leave the man alone.
  6. Well said Mustelid,I have Know Chipper for well over 20yrs been out in all weathers with him either ferreting or just a good old mouch about when I visit him I am always made welcome [the kettle is never cold at Chipper,s house].As for his dogs only been average that,s the biggest load of shit I have heard as for his pup yipping well so what if I had as much land to go on as Chipper has it would not bother me, like someone else has already said he wrote all about this in the december issue of EDRD if he had anything to hide would he not just keep his mouth shut? At the end of the day Chipper
  7. Goldfinch try ebay for lecy training collars I was looking for One for my mates dog prices are not bad depends on what type you want Regards Netmaker
  8. What a good day out I had yesterday with warren & his little pack, goldfinch had his two boys with him and I must say they never complained once about being cold, a good day was had by all hope to see goldfinch & his lads up for a bash about again in the near future I would just like to thank warren again for the good sport we had can,t wait for the bunny bash if or when it takes place[keep me up to date with what is happening warren]thank,s again all the best with the pack. Regards Netmaker
  9. All the best for sunday John hope weather stays dry if this show is half as good as the last one it will still be a very good show see yiu sunday. regards Netmaker
  10. Hi Tom I am new to the site but I have known warren & john for some time I have a treble ferret box which is from john & it is as light as a bobbin like warren say,s if john is not happy a product he will not carry on making it I have been out with warren to some of the places he goes and its rough going so you need a good box i would recommed john,s ferret boxes to anyone. regards Netmaker
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