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Everything posted by Netmaker

  1. Not just a show dog he was dug to plenty of times the think churchy sold the dog to Ireland first for 7 grand I think then mousey bought him back over the water lurcher's will correct me if I am wrong this dog was out of mousey stuff
  2. I get your drift pm sent
  3. I agree there are the few that are wrong un's but don't tar them all with the same brush
  4. Not being funny but did they say they were pikeys not looking for an argument just saying owt goes missing be it dogs or tools or motors the gypsy's/travellers or pikeys what ever you want to call them get the blame I have a good few gypsy's/travellers or pikeys friends and had them in my home where our jewellery money and cards have been in full view and not a thing taken
  5. Always the p***y's that get the blame and before ya all start I am not a gypsy ,traveller or as you put it a f***ing p***y there are more than them that Knick gears like the low life smack heads so they can get a fix or just sticky fingered low life's with no respect for other peoples property
  6. Netmaker


    happy birthday Fred plenty more a head
  7. I also have email from the police they say if you are shooting alone and don't come within 2meters of anyone then you are ok
  8. I do a couple a year I salt them as you have do and then leave them to dry out totally you will see when they are ready as they will be like card board until you start rolling it then it will soften
  9. I don't put a price on feeding my dogs but 80p for something you could not once giveaway is taking the piss my dogs get the best I can give them
  10. EU regulations mate the worlds gone mad my old man use to make brawn off of pig heads
  11. I bought a big old crypto peeler mincer all the rabbits I get over the winter months go into it and it feeds the dogs I know what you say about the price of raw the cheapest I have seen was £1.75 for 400g of tripe when you think a beast tripe weighs about 20/30 pound with the fat on it and costs 6quid the company's selling the raw are making a tidy profit
  12. I never skinned the heads put them in the old heavy galvanized dustbins put in side a 45gallon drum boiled for about half hour left them to cool and feed the lot like you say only the bottom jaw left I never paid a penny was feeding 50/60 sheep tripe a fortnight and heads about 20 the wool acted as a natural wormer
  13. Left school on the Friday started work at the abattoir on the Monday never bought dog food all the time I worked there a full green beast tripe cost 50p [this was 40yrs ago] you could get the sheep heads with the wool still on them dogs coats shone like shithouse doors now you pay 5/6quid for a tripe but they wont let you have the sheep heads
  14. I agree with Terryd, Bobtheferret and Micky I won’t touch them until their eyes are open all my jill's are handled numerous time a day by my wife myself and all are quite until they have young then they turn into little demons which will bite so leave them be let mother nature take its course.
  15. Ask Andy Kelly he screwed plenty out the lads on here he might have a spare pair
  16. my old man used to say always honor your dog's mark
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